Ankylosing spondylytis
I have diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylytis by my doc with proper examination. He preffered me some NSAIDS like ECT60Mg, saaz,flovite. I using this med for 3 months, I stop continuing med for 3days my pain worsens back, what the hell was the med, I'm getting rid of it do there any excellent treatment available to this in India, also tell me root cause of it and can doc will cure it?
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A/o Ayurveda its very difficult to treat, but further Ankylosing of lumbar & sacral spine can be arrested which makes Pt feel less symptoms. Consult Ayurvedic physician & get treated soon.
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Whole body Cryotherapy which stimulates anti inflammatory action in the body is found to be considerably effective in reducing pain and inflammation. Very few places in India have this treatment available.
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