Ankylosing spondylitis
Tested hlab27 positive.. using saaz ds from past 2 months . pains arent getting cured. if stopped using saaz my pains increase a lot. used naprosyn for a month and see no pains at all. but after meeting few rhemutologists.. doctor suggested not to use naprosyn..suggesting to take biologics..another doctir says biologics are harmful and not good for my age and told to use only naprosyn.. worried about costly biologics and harmful naprosyn..i m loosing hopes :(
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Hi there...if u R suffering from ank spond then u have to be on pain killers like naprosyn which is harmful and one day will knok off ur kidneys... Biologicals are good option and is given under proper supervision to minimise the side effects .. Although cost is an issue... But if u can afford , plz choose biologics as it will relieve yous symptoms to a great extent .. Wish u a speedy recovery.
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Ankylosing spondylitis symptoms
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