Low self esteem

2020-07-22 03:18:50
I have issues in trusting people and I feel useless at work It is very disheartening when people don't value my work and me as well .I feel bereft of friends and o feel alone and I feel really bad aftertgst

Answers (8)

You need some councelling and trust yourself first because it is very important. Whatever your past just try to forget. Do meditation and yoga both exercise will help you . Think Positive towards your life and try to achieve goals in your life

Answered2020-08-08 13:16:15

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HOW TO OVERCOME LOW SELF ESTEEM & CONFIDENCE: Stop lying. You degrade your character every time you lie. You become weaker and weaker. Be honest. Tell the truth no matter how painful it is in the short run. Be extremely careful with your commitments. If you say you are going to do something, you MUST do it. You must become a slave to your word. Confidence comes from self-trust. Now, would you trust someone that always lies to you? Obviously not. It’s the same with you. Follow through with your word and regain your confidence. Get sexy. Workout. Improve your body. The thing about working out is that there is no shortcut. A great body is earned through sweat, discipline, and consistency. Listen to subliminal audio. This is a secret hack that no one talks about. Please don’t ignore all the other points and just use this. It’s extremely powerful and has worked for me in the past. I have used this company before to great success. Hang out with confident people. If you hang with scrubs, you will become a scrub. Change your environment to improve your life. This is an age-old principle. Change your mental chatter. Is your mind tearing you down or building you up. I guarantee if you say “I’m just the type of guy that is extremely confident” 100,000 times you will be. Become competent. Mastery. Growth. Develop your competence over a skill or passion. It is directly linked to how confident you are. Do scary shit. Travel. Give a speech. Go to a dance class. Ask that girl out. Do things that scare you. Talk to more strangers. Say hello on the bus. To the people in the class next to you. Become social. Receive the feedback that everything is okay. Your life is not at risk. People like you. This will all aid you in your journey to becoming confident. Do not gratify impulses. A deep level of confidence arises when you transmute or don’t act on an impulse. Develop that discipline. Say no to instant gratification and watch your confidence skyrocket. Best of luck on your journey friend,
Next Steps
So we all have the voices in our head. The voices of descent. The voices say that we are unworthy and that we would be better off dead. The ones that say that no one will ever love us and we are doomed. Now there are two reasons these voices manifest, either from us not doing task we know we are supposed to do, and self loathing for not matching the societal ideal. How you get rid of these voices is by working on the things you need to work on and by telling recreating narratives about how you are actually YOUR own ideal.

Answered2020-07-22 16:48:11

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Hello dear, it is very disheartening when people don't value our work! However this should not make you feel useless. This feeling of yours indicates that, you are looking down on yourself. Feelings of worthlessness, disheartening, lonliness are traps that keep you away from healthy self esteem and peace of mind. When we notice these traps we must quickly act on it, to maintain a healthy mental state. Remember self care is important!
Next Steps
Would recommend you to see a counselor/psychologist, who can assist you with your self esteem and lonliness
Health Tips
Few tips 1. Please identify some positive affirmations about you and journal them down. 2. Try to mention atleast one positive attribute that you have done in a day. 3. Try to analyse and understand your moral sense 4. Try to learn about atleast one person in a week and journal about them.

Answered2020-07-22 05:38:48

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Hi, it’s seems you are low self confidence you are very soft hearted and emotional person thats why you feel disheartened. I suggest to take therapy which make you strong and its help you to deal with daily issues.

Answered2020-07-22 03:41:02

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Need to work on your feelings Consult with me or any psychologist for therapy and counseling online All the best

Answered2020-07-23 06:00:26

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The trust issue could be due to various reasons.. It could have been due to the old bad past experiences too. To overcome this issue and to get a clarity, you can reach me for more details and clarity.. https://prac.to/hema-sampath-psychologist-dir

Answered2020-07-22 10:00:10

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I understand your predicament and would like to make a few suggestions that could help. Rather than looking for a quick-fix to deal with what you are feeling on the surface, I want you to look at what is really disturbing you, calling for your attention and needs to be addressed. Most often, we go about as if we are at the receiving end of life, of situations and while we are carried in this flow, experiences come to us and we are supposed to react to them as they happen. It's as if we are sitting on the passenger seat or the back seat while life is driving us. I want you to know that you are at the wheel, driving. One of the definitions of stress is the thought(s) or the belief that you don't have the capability, the resources to address, to deal with, to successfully overcome the challenge(s) that is right in front of you now. I want you to know that you are a match for every mountain you face. And that mountain comes in your path only so that in the process of climbing it and getting across it, you will eventually become the person that you are meant to be. Trust me, you will have all the resources to surmount it too. When thoughts of such nature plague you, it is natural to take comfort in self-pity, anger frustration. So, addressing the root cause of this tendency will help you get back at the steering wheel and head in the direction you deserve to go. Our attitude towards life in general and things in particular is based on our Beliefs - what we believe to be true about ourselves and the world. What are your core beliefs about yourself and the world? Try writing them down and examine the validity of these beliefs. Some of them may be limiting and negative in nature because of the kind of feedback you received while growing up - at home, in school, from your classmates, friends, relatives, etc. But once you are aware of them, you shed light on them, they can no longer manipulate your behavior or actions. As your beliefs change, your attitude changes, and words, actions and behavior follow. When you are in a healthy, calm and composed mental state, you will have the clarity to make the right choices and decisions. Here are a few suggestions that could help you. The following suggestions will help you take care of your psychological well being, help you figure out what truly matters to you, and realize your dreams, goals and aspirations. You will also be able to manage your emotions better. I want you to know that with awareness of how the mind works and how thoughts are generated, you will get better at dealing with them and thereby overcome the challenges you are facing right now. I want you to know that you are capable of doing this and can successfully deal with them. Kindly read what follows : Understanding the nature of the mind and how thoughts are generated will help you deal with them. Today the mind is fixated on something. Tomorrow it might be on another topic/event/person. The nature of the Mind, which in simple terms we experience as thoughts, is such that, it will keep shifting its focus from one object/topic/event to another. Ii always needs something to hold on to. Another important characteristic of the Mind is this - You will either have thoughts about the past or the future. This will keep alternating. Try thinking about the present moment - you will see that the Mind and 'Now' can never coexist. The Mind has 3 states in general. Sometimes, you may find yourself having very positive, inspiring thoughts. During other times, you may find yourself very emotional, or all charged for action. Whereas during other times, you may feel very lethargic, dull or lazy. These states will keep alternating. Having understood the nature of the mind, the first step towards mental health is to become aware of your thoughts. Learning to be an observer of your thoughts, learning to observe them from a distance like clouds passing in the sky. The next step is knowing that you have the power to choose which thought you wish to focus on and act on and exercising that power. With practice, you will have better mastery over this process. Having negative thoughts is something that plagues everybody from time to time. Trust me, even if everything was perfect, you will still find some shortcomings somewhere and brood about it. Tension or anxiety is a physiological response which is again part of being human. It is normal to have such thoughts about any situation. As mentioned above, with practice, you will learn to focus and entertain only those thoughts are healthy enough to be acted upon. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by thoughts, just bring your focus back to your breath and take a few relaxing breaths. You will automatically be able to focus on the task at hand and do what is required. Whatever you feed your mind through your sense organs will be replayed to you as thoughts. Be conscious of this. Take care of the content you feed your mind - the kind of books you read, the websites you visit, the kind of music you listen to, the kind of food you eat, the kind of company you keep ( "You are an average of five people you spend most of your time with" ) Ask yourself : Where would I like to see myself ten years from now? What should I do today to reach there ten years from now? What would I do if I knew I wouldn't fail? What would I do if I weren't afraid? No matter how impossible the answers might seem, I want you to know that you can and will make them possible. Take the first step. The rest will follow. A beautiful future awaits you. Take ownership of every moment, take responsibility for it and confidently work towards your dreams and aspirations. One day you will thank these dark moments for being the fuel for your success. Please set aside time for exercise daily and make sure you eat healthy every time. Here is a breathing exercise that will help you relax better : Do this once you have finished with your tasks for the day and you are sitting on bed in the night about to lie down : Inhale slowly to a count of four - hold your breath to a count of four - exhale slowly to a count of eight. Repeat this ten times. Gently massage the back of your neck and the base of the skull when you lie down to rest. Our challenges that seem to threaten our very existence are the ones that serve as fuel for our evolution. Have faith in yourself. You are capable of dealing with this. You are going to do just fine. Take care.

Answered2020-07-22 08:42:18

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Hello.. it seems someone has broken your trust at some point of time. This leads to trust issues You can work on yourself through therapy which will help you build trust in yourself, become confident of yourself, love yourself ( which is most important ) and start trusting others too. When you have self confidence you are ready to take on the world and also build trust. People will start valuing you when you exude confidence and trust in yourself for when you are not sure of yourself people won’t be sure of you. It’s like you attract that negativity when you show negativity. I’ll suggest you take help through Counselling.. it will benefit a lot. You can reach out to me incase you decide through Practo@ drvatsalawadhwathakur
Next Steps
Suggested therapy

Answered2020-07-22 05:37:18

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