Amateur graying of hair
I am only 28 yrs old and I am facing amateur graying of hair...It started almost 2 years there any cure for this?
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As a person ages, the melanin pigment of the hair decreases gradually, which causes graying of hair. Nowadays it is very common for the people under the age groups of 35 to have gray hair. The natural colour of hair is due to the cells in the hair follicles known as melanocytes which generate a pigment which gives colour to the hair. When melanocytes stop producing these pigments, due to increasing age,decreased nourishment,protein deficiency etc your hair starts to lose its natural colour which leads to graying of hair...try to have healthy diet at regular intervals,drink more water,manage stressful situations smoothly if possible avoid them,biotin supplements helps you...Consult nearest dermatologist they will do the needful.
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appĺy castor oil in scapl of hair. nasya n shirodhara ll help u.visit nearest ayurved panchkarma clinic
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