My daughter is suffering from constipation from 1 year old. Now she is 4. There is a small growth near her anus. We gave her duphalac but it was of little help. At times we used suppositors. She bleeds almost every day now while passing stool and cries a lot. I have consulted a well known homeo pharmacy but doesn't seem to work well. Previous she used to pass stool once in three days but now she passes stool almost everyday, but it's not soft. We tried to include boiled veggies and salads in her diet but she is not willing to have it. She loves fried food specially non veg. She has adequate water of around a liter. The homeo pharma has asked us to visit a pediatric surgeon for the growth. Any kind of advise/ help would be appreciated. I am trying to avoid any surgery. Her mother also has constipation from childhood.
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Hello, you need to consult pediatric doctor for growth ,you made a mistake of not consulting pediatrician , don't give her non veg ,hard food items , she is bleeding daily ,hard stool can injure soft anal verge of baby . Include whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables in you and your child’s diet. Avoid dairy products ,offer high fiber containing diet .
It is important for children to keep themselves well hydrated. If a child does not drink adequate fluids, she is more likely to get constipated..
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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