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29 Hair Transplant Doctors in Chennai

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BM  Clinic

BM Clinic

1 Hair Transplant Surgeon
9 - 22 years experience
₹400 - ₹1200Consultation Fees
95%72 Patient Stories

Dr. Sasikumar Muthu

Hair Transplant Surgeon
23 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Meenakshi M

Hair Transplant Surgeon
12 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ganga Ravikumar

34 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. T Rajinikanth

Plastic Surgeon
22 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Amudha

29 years experience overall
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Dr. A.Sivakumar

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30 years experience overall
400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. M Rajkumar

Hair Transplant Surgeon
30 years experience overall

Dr. Balaji A P

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400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Aarthi Lakshmanan

21 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Hair Transplant Surgery
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Dr. Renita Rajan

Hair Transplant Surgeon
19 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Hair Transplant

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Hair Transplant in Chennai

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Hair Transplant?

A surgical technique where hair follicles are removed from a part of the body, commonly known as the donor site and placed to a bald or balding part of the body, commonly known as the recipient site, is known as a hair transplant. Hair transplant is often done by taking hair from thicker parts of the scalp, or other parts of the body, and grafting it to the thinning or balding section of the scalp. The balding pattern in males is often treated by the process of hair transplant. There are various places for getting a hair transplant in Chennai with experts guiding one with the best advice. One can choose from a plethora of options that suit his/her requirement and budget as well.

What are the causes of male pattern baldness?

  1. Hereditary conditions
  2. Androgen secretion
  3. Cancer
  4. Medicinal side effects
  5. Malnutrition
  6. Presence of Pollutants in the environment
  7. Dry scalp
  8. Fungal Infections
  9. Chronic illnesses such as lupus, diabetes, etc
  10. Iron deficiency
  11. Stress

What are the Types of Hair Transplant Surgeries?

The classification of surgeries for hair transplant in Chennai is either equipment-based or is done on the basis of the donor area harvesting. The equipment based surgeries are:

  1. Manual 
  2. Robotic 

The donor area harvesting types are:

  1. FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
  2. Strip Harvesting

What are the side-effects of Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation can lead to certain side effects including:

  1. Scarred tissues due to surgical inabilities
  2. Infections on the site of surgery
  3. Anesthetic allergies
  4. Post-operational loss of hair or shock loss followed by new hair growth

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

The results of hair transplant in Chennai are permanent, provided the transplanted area is subjected to extra care and routine check-ups by the surgeon.

What is the cost of the Hair Transplant?

The cost of hair transplant in Chennai is dependent on the following:

  1. The extent of the bald patch
  2. The volume of grafts needed
  3. Hair transplant techniques (FUE or FUT)
  4. Location of the service provider or the clinic
  5. Reputation and Professional expertise of the surgeon
  6. Doctoral Affiliation
  7. Texture or attributes of hair

The cost of hair transplant in Chennai could range between:

A minimum of INR 35,000 to an average price of INR 1, 00,000, with a maximum price tag of INR 2, 00,000.

For hair transplant in Chennai, each graft can cost you INR 35 to INR 100 depending on the reputation of the clinic, skill of the surgeon respectively, the technology used in the procedure.

You May Also Want to Know

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves removing hair follicles from a donor site and implanting them at the balding area of the scalp, which is known as the recipient site. The male balding pattern is treated with the help of hair transplantation. Thus people looking for hair transplant in Chennai should refer to this treatment of male balding pattern. This procedure is also used to treat or restore the areas around eyes for example eyelashes, eyebrows or areas around the beard and chest. Sometimes it is used for the purpose of covering up an area where a scar is present due to some physical injury. Although rarely, but the technique is used for the pubic area as well.

Indications for getting a Hair Transplant

Dermatologists recommend hair transplant in Chennai when individuals experience balding or hair recession or thinning in specific areas of the scalp. This surgery is usually done for an aesthetic purpose as looking good and having vibrant hairline is taken as a symbol of confidence in the present world. Good lustrous hair helps to boost self-confidence and promote the well-being of people. On the other hand, individuals experiencing balding often show signs of low motivation and confidence in day to day work. Therefore, undergoing hair transplantation helps them to regain their vitality and improves self-confidence.

Stages of male baldness pattern.  Various ways are there in which the baldness pattern is classified. The most prevalent classification pattern is the Norwood scale pattern. As per the Norwood scale pattern, the balding pattern can be divided into seven stages: 

Stage one- In this initial stage, thinning of hair can be noticed around the temples and slightly receding hairline or recession of hair is found. 

Stage two- In this stage, the balding near the temples area must have increased and moved further inwards; it is often described as forming M-shaped hairline. It is very much common and can be noticed in many males.

Stage three- In this stage, the baldness becomes more visible and the recession in the temple area increases and grows to the extent that there is little or no hair in the temporal regions. Also, during this stage, we notice that the area on the top of the head becomes thinner and noticeable. During this stage, often some people notice spotting or spots where hair is missing.

Stage four- This is an advanced stage of hair loss; the patient becomes sure that he is experiencing balding and it is very much evident and noticeable by the human naked eye. During this stage, bald spots become quite prominent and are noticeable and it is difficult to hide. Hair thinning is seen on the crown portion of the head and the patient might lose large patch or patches of hair.

Stage five- In this stage, the most common and early sign which can be seen is that of the horseshoe-shaped hairline. This marks the stage where the hair loss is becoming severe and there is difficulty in treating it.

Stage six- The patient having reached this stage has already managed to lose a large portion of his hair and there is a major loss of hairline. Minimal hair covers the crown portion of the head.

Stage seven- Full baldness is the characteristic of this stage. The classic horseshoe or cul-de-sac pattern can be seen; moreover, the crown portion is fully bald. If no actions have been taken, the chances of recovery are very less. Dermatologists often recommend hair transplantation as a possible line of treatment for reversing the condition. However, it is essential to discuss the success rate of the treatment procedure so that patients are aware of the outcome of cosmetic surgery.

Causes of male pattern baldness

  1. Genetics - The most common cause of baldness is heredity. Genes play a crucial role; having a family history of baldness can be cited as the most important factor.
  2. Androgen - Male baldness is often caused by the hormone androgen which is the male sex hormone. Androgen also regulates the growth of hair. 
  3. Cancer - Some sort of cancers can be the cause of balding.
  4. Medication - The side-effects of the medication in some cases, as for example, epileptic patients who are taking medication can lead to hair loss. 
  5. Thyroid condition –Having thyroid causes hair loss to some extent.
  6. Nutritional deficiency – If the protein content in one’s diet is below sufficient then the patient will be prone to hair loss.
  7. Environmental factor - Sometimes the prevailing air pollution and water pollution might be the cause of hair loss.
  8. Infection – Dryness of scalp due to fungal infection can lead to hair loss.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for hair transplant in Chennai some basic pointers should be kept in mind while consulting the doctor:

  1. The hair colour is important; there will be difficulty in covering if there is too much of a contrast between the hair and skin tone.
  2. Having an overall tendency of thick hair is an advantage even if balding is severe.
  3. Curlier the hair, better the coverage.
  4. A better result is expected with a flexible scalp. The more flexible the scalp, the more the number of follicles the surgeon can put. 
  5. Having alopecia is a risky deal as the chances are that the procedure will fail. 
  6. It would help if you remembered that hair transplant in Chennai is an expensive treatment, as surgeons need to consider the charges of the surgery as well as post-operative follow-up care. Patients may require regular vitamin injections or 'meso' treatments after the transplantation procedure for better results. Therefore, candidates must keep all these aspects in mind before going ahead with the treatment procedure.

When am I not a good candidate for Hair Transplant?

There are some factors which if present in a candidate may rule out hair transplant in Chennai:

  1. Being diagnosed with Stage six on the Norwood scale
  2. Being diagnosed with Stage seven on the Norwood scale
  3. Having alopecia
  4. Scalp is rigid

Types of Hair Transplant Surgeries

Hair transplant in Chennai can be performed through various types of surgeries. On the basis of the harvesting of the donor area, it is of two types:

Strip Harvesting

Strip harvesting is the most common method for hair transplant in Chennai. It is used to get hair from the donor site. A strip of skin is taken from the donor site; usually from the posterior or back part of the scalp having good hair growth. The scalp is used in removing the strips of hair-bearing tissue and it is made sure that intact hair follicles are being removed. The normal size of the strip that is harvested ranges between 15 cm to 30 cm. The hair follicles are treated using a microscope and removal of the excessive fatty and fibrous tissues follow as the follicular cells can be used for grafting. In doing this very small and tiny micro blades are used along with fine needles where the then harvested follicles are placed. A thin linear scar is noticed at the donor site that is covered by the hair of the patient even at short length. Around two weeks are required for recovery and staples or stitches might be required as per the surgeon.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In FUE, no strip of linear skin is harvested from the donor site whereas multiple singular follicles are extracted from the site using punch incisions with the help of micro scalpels, blade, and the fine needles. The follicles contain approximately one to four hairs in a single follicle and approximately 2000-3000 grafts are extracted. FUE can be done in one long session or multiple short sessions depending upon the comfort of the patient and the surgeon. The advantage of follicular unit extraction is that it gives much better and natural results, does not require a large area for harvesting, unlike strip harvesting, no linear scar is found and postoperative pain and discomfort are reduced. Another advantage is that no suture removal is needed. But it has some disadvantages too. Very high or increased surgical time is included as extracting and harvesting 3000 grafts requires time, it is expensive and as it is technique sensitive so a very highly skilled surgeon to pull this off is required otherwise some follicles will not be able to stay at the transplanted site.

Another classification is based on the equipment used:

  1. Manual
  2. Robotic

Preoperative Assessment and Planning

Guidelines for a preoperative routine for hair transplant in Chennai include:

  1. Physical examination of the patient and the examination of the donor site.
  2. Discussion regarding expectations and the results. 
  3. Prior to medical or surgical history brought forward.
  4. Any diagnostics recommended by the doctor.
  5. Paperwork including the signing of the consent form.
  6. Consumption of blood thinners might have to stop a week before the surgery or otherwise as recommended by the doctor.
  7. Information on smoking or drinking alcohol or any other substance abuse should be provided to the doctor and might have to be stopped if it is necessary.
  8. Instructions of the doctor should be followed.

Postoperative guidelines or post-operative Care

Similar to pre-operative instructions, there are some post-operative measures as well for the best outcome of hair transplant in Chennai. Candidates are expected to follow the below-mentioned guidelines:

  1. Daily change of semi-permeable wound dressing to allow seepage of blood and tissue fluid.
  2. Areas operated should be sun protected.
  3. To prevent the formation of scabs, the area should be shampooed; starting of shampoo after two days of the surgery is suggested by some doctors, some suggest doing it the day after the surgery depending on the surgeon’s advice.
  4. Consumption of antibiotics is required to avoid any infection.


  1. Tissue scarring 
  2. Infection or inflammation i.e., folliculitis
  3. Allergy 
  4. Postoperative temporary thinning 
  5. Itching

Alternatives for Hair Transplant

  1. Wigs or hairpiece can be used to cover the balding area.
  2. Minoxidil can be used as a possible topical solution for lessening hair fall and leading to follicular growth.
  3. Medicine like Finasteride can be consumed orally.
  4. Vitamin E capsules along with oil for nourishing the hair can be used.
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