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Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya

Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya

Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya

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Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry Clinic

Misrod, Bhopal

Number 11, Mile Tiraha, Hoshangabad Road., Landmark: Near Aasha Kerana&General Stor, Bhopal

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Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya is a Dentistry Clinic in Misrod, Bhopal. The clinic is visited by dentist like Dr. Rinky Sisodia. The timings of Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya are: Mon-Sat: 09:30-14:30, 16:00-20:30. Some of the services provided by the Clinic are: Ceramic Veneers / Crowns ,Metal Braces Fixing,Dental Fillings,Orthotic Splints and Tongue Tie Release etc. Click on map to find directions to reach Aarogya Dant Chikitshalya.

MDS - Paedodontics And Preventive Dentistry

13 years experience overall



Pediatric Dentist


Preventive Dentistry

Mon-Sat09:30-02:30, 04:00-08:30

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