Tooth and Mouth Problems


Tooth decay

Hi, Last yr I got tooth decay in right side wisdom taken that..TDY in left side side centre tooth is paining sensitive while drinking water too..wlook like decay..will all my teeth get decay..pls suggest..
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Delayed eruption

My son got 2 lower incisors in ending feb.upper incisors are not erupting since then. Do we have to worry about it?
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Cheek injury

I just had some dental treatment & got a tool hit / cut inside my cheeks! It has created a little cut and is hurting! What med can i take for faster healing? It's painful
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Wisdom teeth extraction

My two wisdom teeth were removed through surgical extraction two days ago. I still have very severe pain even after two days. I took Ketorol DT this morning and evening, but I can still feel the pain. Is this common? How many days does it usually take for this to heal?
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Cerec single day crown

Single day cerec crown is good or traditional dentcare  4day crown is good. My dentist giving both options what to choose
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Teeth tickling under the root

My lower teeth feel ticklish below the gums. In the root What could be the reason for this?"feels something is tickling below the root of teeth
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Valplast dentures

Is it possible to get a single unit Valplast denture for the upper two premolars, and what will be the cost?
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White tissue around wisdom tooth

I experienced some pain a few weeks ago when I was told that my wisdom tooth was erupting. I was prescribed some painkillers and antibiotics which helped to ease the pain. Today, I noticed some white tissue and swelling around the place where the wisdom tooth is erupting, but not so much pain. I'm also experiencing a bitter taste at the back of my throat. Do I need to have an extraction? 27(M) I'm a smoker.
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Mouth ulcer

Hi doctor I could see a big white ulcer inside my mouth which is paining for 5 days I have attached the images anything serious that I need to address immediately kindly share
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Loose teeth

Can you please suggest me home remedies for loose teeth? It's not that much loose , I can't see it but I cam feel it when put finger on my upper teeth and put pressure through lower teeth to upper teeth then only I can feel it some people says it's slightly mobility is normal but I am concerned
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