Heart Problems & Remedies


Enquiry about stress echo

Good evening. Can u tell me how much block percent can stress echo show? 50/60? I fail to walk even one floor without suffering chest pain.. But it also occurs at rest wid no activity.. i am planning to go for stress echo.. plz give ur opinion.. it might be gastric or cervical or anxiety but want to rule out heart problems for peace of mind. Risk factor- high bp n obesity
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Parasite worm

Hello respected doctor. Ive heart triple blockage & im taking medicine for this. Recently my mouth got so much spit and my anus was itching also. Can i take albendazole 400 tablets?
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Eco report

My mother in law has dibetic petient for last 10 yr.. Few day before her bp raise upto 160 / 100 Dr advice to take some test her kft was normal please check her Eco report
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Below is my father's lipid profile For last 2 years he was having lipikind 10 Now recently doctor changed the medicine to novastat 10 Is the lipid profile ok?
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What to do for non specific ekg change

Do i need to worry about non specific changes in my ecg? I had some chest discomfort rsdiating to upper back.. it did feel like heart pain but then i have had it many times before- 3 weeks ago also i had an echo done after the pain episode... in the past i have had stress test also done.. i am worried about these change
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Sinus rhythm right axis deviation

My husband had fever 1month back and we took ecg because his blood pressure was low ( 90/60). Doctor told there is slight variation but nothing complicated. He doesnt have any symptoms but just to check we took ecg today. In report its shown Normal Sinum Rhythm, Clockwise rotation and right axis deviation. Is there any problem in ecg
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Abnormal ECG during diarrhea

My father had a heart attack and one stent was placed in the artery. This was 1 month back. He has fever and severe diarrhea and ha to be admitted due to dehydration. His ecg has slight abnormality says the doctor. Could it be due to fever and dehydration?
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Soemtime fast heart beat

Hi i got high heat beat soemtimes and gas also i got echo done in march which comes good but i continue feel like skipoed heart beat two three time in day dont know anxiety ir what i drink also daily can someone got heart failure in two months cuz in march everything' comes normal doc said its anxiety tension and gastric related can drinking effect heart ?
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Plz see ekg

Is my ekg okay? Symptoms- heartburn, upper back pain and shoulder pain since 2-3 days.. thanks
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NSVT? BrS Patient

I keep having really fast fluttering in my left chest center area. i check my pulse through my neck and it doesnt feel like it changed but the flutter keeps happenjng again and again do rhythms like NSVT caauseq weak pulse? i am a diagnosed brugada patient i also have OCD so i just feel unwell after so many flutters and i keep thinking about this.
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