


Hello, I did my FBS and Hb1AC test today and both of them are normal . Is it still required to do Postprandial as well. Please suggest
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Diabetes hypertension

Hi sir/mam I m asking a question for my father 54yrs old having diabetes , hypertension,cervical pain in shoulder Diabetes since last 5 yrs taking med for it and same for bp as well recently he got giddiness feeling body numbness, he was not able to speak to his tongue, we got really worried and took him to local hospital where doc did random sugar(247) and bp 140/80 he had medicine before this episode all basic tests are fine kft lft cbc lipid hba1c 7.1 so since then we are in confusion to whom doctor we should consult(which specialist)we need to look up for? All answers are welcomed please reply that would be a great help thanks in advance:)
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Sugar level

I want to know what is the normal range of fasting sugar level and what is the normal range for PP sugar level?
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Cbc report...

Hlo dr, pls review my cbc report and plz say it is all ok or not... Because I am worried as done are saying I iron deficiency because my MCH is 26 something what to do to increase...
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Lots of spit in mouth

Hello doctor. Yesterday my sugar came very low 56. I ate some 2 gulab jamun and dont take 1 diabetic medicine metformin 500. But today lots of spit in mouth & its very irritating. Is my sugar is still low? Ive no tiredness or hungryness like yesterday!
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Sugar level

Sugar level: Fasting 137, PP 211. Is this high?A diet can control sugar level?any suggestion? What is the normal range for fasting and PP?
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Diabetes tests results

I am planning to take a blood sugar test and in the last two months I have consumed lots of fruit juices...does that make any spikes in the report??
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C peptide is high

Good Evening Dr,I feel soo tired nd sleepy everyday i am having thyroid for last 6 yrs my anti tpo is also positive Dr told for doing c peptide my level is 4.41 in empty stomach morning?? I feel shivering some days when I woke up early morning can u please tell me or suggest something??
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Feeling extremely hungry & light dizzy

Hello respected doctors. Im heart patient, ive triple blockages in heart & im taking heart medicine everyday. 2 month ago i found out i have sugar. FBS- 240 , PPBS - 344 HBA1C - 8.1. Till one & half month im taking sugar medicine METFORMIN 500 - 2times daily , GP 1 - 2times daily, TENGYLN - 20 - 1 times . Taking those medicine for 1 & half months im feeling extremely hungry from today, dizziness, & nausea type. Is my blood sugar come to low or medicine not working? Plz help
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Will body produce on the same day night?

When will the body likely start producing natural growth hormone again after injecting synthetic HGH at 9 am, given its suppressive effects on the body's own growth hormone production? Will body produce on the same day night
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