Stomach Problems & Remedies


Constant diarrhea(explosive)

Everytime I eat even moderately spicy food I get explosive diarrhea within 1 hour of having food, also occassional mild tummy pain and burning sensation near anus. Is fine when I eat homemade food but even the mess food gives me same issue. Milk is fine with me,just regular indie foods.
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Hiatus Hernia

I have been diagnosed with hiatus hernia what is the treatment I need to take. Please advise. I am taking medication for blood pressure
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Type 1 diabetic

Hello doctor, so I am type 1 diabetic from past 12 years. 4 months back when I checked my haemoglobin it was 13.0 After 4 months when I checked it showed 12.5. Being curious i checked again after 7 days it showed 11.8. Is my haemoglobin dropping or these variations are normal, please guide.
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Bowel Movement

Ok this is ridiculous. My poop keeps getting hard, even after eating ripe banana, boiled papaya etc. I just don't wanna rely on laxatives or medicines for bowel movement so I avoid those things as much as possible. Any suggestions from experts would be helpful...
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Colon problem

I have any colony problem I have pain on right what is the problem I attach usg report my colon is normal or not
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Low hcl in stomach

I'm suffering from low stomach hcl. Doctor suggested dietary changes but no relief. Shall I go for betaine hcl? Or is their any effective medicine which can cure it. I'm suffering from it since very long period. This disease has destroyed my teenage. I no longer particate in sports. My weight has decreased about 20kgs.
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Immune system

How can i strengthen my digestion power and and also gain some weight. I have very irregular timing of food as well.
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Having Recurrent Fissures

Hi I am having fissures since last Dec. It gets cured within few weeks but comes again within 15 days after a slightly hard bowel movement. I have already changed my diet & quit eating junk foods, any type of fried food & spices. Please guide is there any permanent cure without surgery or should I got surgery only..
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Stomach burning

When to take ULgel A syrup before meal or after meal? And how long we can take this syrup safely for stomach burning?
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Rectum burning and pain

Some time I have noticed rectum pain and burning . I am sharing some history regarding this, 2 months ago I was having rectum pain. Which I faced around 10-15 days but now some I feel this pain
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