Eye Care & Problems


Dry eyes problem

Hello doc I have severe dry eye issue from 1.5 yr I m facing this problem...light seems extended . in night or in low light words get inflamated light extended . kya iska koi solution hai?? ya hmesa aisa hi rhega
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Going to the beach Post cataract surgery

Can my mother go the beach for vacation after cataract surgery, provided she doesn't swim! It has been 16 days post her surgery
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Screen time

If screen time effects myopia , how can we limit screen time so that eye power will be stable for long run
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Does screen time effects myopia in adult

Hi Dr , I have a myopia of right eye -11 D and left -17 D . My eye power is increasing even after crossing age 25 years . My question is that does screen time effects increasing eye power even in adults  . Second question is how much screen time is good for eyes , how long should we use laptop and mobiles .
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Vision issues

I have been facing a bit of vision problems. I see a shadow below my centre of vision and sometimes above, which disappears once I blink...this happens suddenly. I have also experienced flashes in my vision. I have got my retina checked and got perimetry test done which were all okay. I have only been told that I have a bit of dry eyes so to use a lubricant which I am already doing. I also suffer from migraine without an aura but these vision problems happen even when I am on migraine medicines and without a migraine. Can someone please guide me regarding the same?
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Swelling with Pus in left lower eyelid.

This has been since last 10 days. There is a picture attached. Please see and tell what it is. There is no pain untill touched. No irritation but not looking good. Please tell a solution. Thank you.
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I had an eye infection since last Friday (June 12) and my doctor suggested Moxifloxacin. I used it and it got cured. Can I resume back to using Contact Lens?
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After Barrage Laser

Dear Sir/Ma'am, On June 5th I did Barrage Laser on my Right eye and 6th June I did Barrage Laster on my left eye After one or 2 days I observed some fraction of Flash light at upper peripheral (upper eye brow). While I'm blinking my eye causes a fraction of Flash. Should I worry? I consulted another doctor on June 7. He said let's wait for another 10-14 days & he also suggested it happens after the procedure. Can u pls suggest and guide. Anything serious about it ?
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My son gets frequent eye infections

My son gets eye infections frequently it gets better with eye drops but starts again when drops are stopped he feels difficulty in looking up and opening eyes in the morning he also has eye discharge what medicin should I give him
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Lasik complications

My daughter who is 25 years old got contura lasik eye operation done to left eye 1:5 months back. After five days she realised that she is not able to see near vision properly. We consulted top opthomologist in Bangalore india and they tested and told her that she is perfectly fine. But she cant see near vision and depressed and she wants to die. Please help
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