

Kidney function test results

My mother diagnosed with CKD 3 months back.then her labs were Creatinine serum -1.10 eGFR-55 Creatinine Urine -38 Albumin/ Creatinine Ratio -Urine - 2.58 Today we did another her values are Creatinine Serum - 1 eGFR-61 Creatinine Urine- 56.4 Albumin/ Creatinine Ratio -Urine -1.77 She is getting better or not?please advise?
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Hair and body pimple problem

Literally haire is a  damaged and gums .face is a very high pimple very problem to a sum skin and hair problems.please guide to a medicine.
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Kidney problem

Hello I attach my father kidney report...can u please tell me how much creatinine level is dangerous and time for dialysis...and how can I maintain his creatinine?
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Phosphorus levels high

Hello I got my health checkup done. My kft shows inorganic phosphorus levels as 6.18. Rest kft is normal Please advise
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Creatine levels

Creatine levels is 26.what does it indicate?? What further should be done?? Pls suggest on further treatment
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Numbness tingling sensation and pain

I have sharp shooting pain + numbness+ tingling in both hands and feets sometimes. I have stones in both kidneys 8mm 7mm. Does this pain is related to kidney stones??
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IgaN with bp

I have igan with hypertension , diagnosed since December last year, biopsy glomerulosclerosis (5/7) and moderate IFTA (30%). Creatinine 2.4 , taking immunosuppressants, prednisone, losartan, metoprolol, ivabard. Its getting difficult for me to manage diet restrictions, can I please try for early kidney transplant without waiting for end stage as it is inevitable as my iga is aggressive. Please advice if its possible or not.
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Bacteria  infection causes kidney stones

Can a urinary tract infection (UTI) lead to the formation of kidney stones, Chronic Urine bacteria infection causes kidney stones?
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Uric.acid and BLOOD URIA report clarity.

Uric acid level 1.1 and blood URIA 10.6 it's danger iwill consultant doctor suggested treatment.or what I will do
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Little urine only 5-10 ml

4 dialysis have been done and dialysis will be needed frequently said does one recover from this or it has to be lifelong be long with this she has cardiomegaly , thyroid,BP and daibetes more than 15 yrs what's the survival rate on dialysis
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