Osteopathic treatment for Headaches,Back pain, Sciatica, Spondylosis,Disc bulges treatment by CranioSacral,visceral,MET, Counterstrain,Myofascial,Lymph management Osteopathy and Manipulative therapy
Visited Dr. N. Sriram Reddy (Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist)
Through phone call only doctor has suggested me advice....Good patience and friendliness doctor...I had Great experience....Thank you sir
Visited Dr. N. Sriram Reddy (Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist) For Soft Tissue ManipulationCervical & Lumbar Spondylitis Physiotherapy
Happy with:Â Doctor friendlinessExplanation of the health issueTreatment satisfactionValue for money
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Excellent and progressive,very good patience while handling a patient....
Visited Dr. N. Sriram Reddy (Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist)
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