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Prasanthi Clinic

Prasanthi Clinic

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Psychiatry Clinic

West Fort, Thrissur

423, Sankarayya Road West Fort, Landmark: Near Syndicate Bank, Thrissur

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Registration of Private Hospitals and Paramedical InstitutionsIn the Thrissur Municipal Corporation, the private hospital/ private paramedical institution Prasanthi Clinic Sankarayya Road Thrissur is registered as per 1997 Kerala Municipality (Private Hospitals private paramedical institutions registration) rules no: 28/2016-17 on dated 2016 4th month 1st. The registration is renewed. This registration is valid up to 31st March 2017 financial year end.Certified true English Translation

MBBS, DPM (Psychiatry)

59 years experience overall


Mon-Sat10:00-11:30, 02:00-05:00

MA - Psychology

10 years experience overall


Counselling Psychologist
