

Diagnostic Tests

Trucut Biopsy Reflex Ihc Tissue


Trucut Biopsy Reflex Ihc Tissue

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What is this test?

Tru-cut needle biopsy is a well-tolerated and reliable procedure for providing a tissue diagnosis of malignancy before definitive treatment, and obviating the need for formal excision biopsy of lesions for which there is a low index of suspicion. Trucut biopsy (free needle technique) The principle is very simple. A needle with a gap near its tip is passed into the lesion. A surrounding sheath with a cutting tip is passed down the needle. The sheath cuts a specimen corresponding to the gap in the needle. There should be sufficient tissue for the pathologist to make an accurate histological diagnosis based on the architecture as well as the cells in the specimen. A fine needle aspirate will only provide cells. The lesion is usually a swelling or thickened area. It may be a suspicious area on an ultrasound scan. The procedure is performed using a specially designed needle. The use of a Trucut needle is described here. Details of using alternative wide bore needles will be found in their packages. The principle is very simple. A needle with a gap near its tip is passed into the lesion. A surrounding sheath with a cutting tip is passed down the needle. The sheath cuts a specimen corresponding to the gap in the needle. The needle and sheath, with the specimen, are then removed from the patient.

Test Preparation

No special preparation is needed for Trucut Biopsy Reflex Ihc Tissue. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Trucut Biopsy Reflex Ihc Tissue. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.

Understanding your test results

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsThe observations are reported by the pathologist depending on the histopathological findings
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Very professional phlebo. Excellent job in collecting the sample. No pain at all. Got my report also within 24 hours.
Malathi Ganapathy
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