

Diagnostic Tests

Magnesium Random Urine


Magnesium Random Urine

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What is this test?

This test is used to find out the Magnesium levels in the urine at any time of a day.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium Mg is a macro-mineral which is naturally presented in many food items like milk, peanut butter, spinach, banana, beans etc. It is also available in some medicines and added to other food products as dietary supplements. The average human body contains about 25 grams of Magnesium Mg. Magnesium regulates the electrolyte balance in the body and also protects the DNA. It also helps in the production and synthesis of ATP which acts as a fuel to the cell. Mg is also a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems. These enzyme systems regulate the diverse biochemical reactions in the body. Mg plays an important in the protein synthesis, blood pressure regulation, blood glucose control and in the nerve and muscle functions.

Magnesium Mg plays an important role in the relaying signals between the brain and the body. It acts as a gatekeeper for the NMDA receptors which are found on the nerve cells and helps in brain development, learning, and memory. It also helps in maintaining a healthy heart rate by competing with the calcium which enters the heart for stimulating the contraction of the heart. Magnesium acts as natural calcium blocker and helps muscle cells to relax after contraction. Magnesium also helps to lower the blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. It provides health benefits like reducing the symptoms of depression and improving sleep quality.

Why this test is performed?

The Mg-Urine Random test is done to know whether an individual is having normal or abnormal magnesium levels in the body. The doctor may ask to perform this test if an individual is suffering from conditions like hypomagnesemia (low levels of magnesium) and hypermagnesemia (high levels of magnesium). This test is also done to determine the risk of developing heart disease. If an individual is on the treatment of anti-diuretic medications like vasopressin, chlorothiazide etc., then the doctor may ask to perform this test to evaluate and to check the effectiveness of the treatment and Mg levels in the body. This helps the doctor to rule out the patient disease condition. Generally, when a patient is diagnosed with kidney failure or malnutrition visits hospital for a general check-up, the doctor may ask to undergo the Mg Urine Random test which gives a better status of the condition. This test is also performed to provide a clear idea regarding the malnutrition of an individual and kidney dysfunction. Mostly, this test is done along with other Magnesium tests to confirm the diagnosis.


Diuretic drugs like vasopressin, Aldactone, indapamide etc may change the levels of Mg-Urine Random. So inform your doctor prior to the test if you are on these medications.

Also known as Magnesium (Mg) Random Urine.

Test Preparation

Inform your doctor if you are on any medications, have any allergies or underlying medical conditions before your Magnesium Random Urine. Your doctor will give specific instructions depending on your condition on how to prepare for Magnesium Random Urine.

There are no specific preparations required for the Magnesium Urine Random test.

Understanding your test results

If test results are more than the normal range then it may indicate that there may be conditions likes kidney dysfunction or kidney failure, high consumption of food items containing Magnesium, decreased absorption of Mg from the intestine, cardiac arrest (sudden and unexpected loss of heart function), irregular heartbeat, low bone density, low calcium levels, alcoholism (uncontrolled drinking of alcohol), aldosteronism (excessive secretion of aldosterone), hyperthyroidism (overproduction of hormones by thyroid gland), high Vitamin-D levels, type-2 diabetes, diabetic acidosis (more blood acids production due to extra glucose), dehydration.

If test results are less than the normal range, then it indicates that there may be a chance for conditions like kidney stones, vitamin-D deficiency, hypothyroidism (decreased production of hormones by thyroid gland), migraine headaches, muscle spasms (contraction or tightening of the muscle fibres), ischemic heart disease (damage to the heart’s major blood supply vessels), pancreatic insufficiency (insufficient production of digestive enzymes by pancreas), depression, inflammation in the body, high blood pressure, malnutrition (lack of sufficient nutrients in diet and thus nutrients deficiency in body), heart disease, decreased sleep, low Mg in diet, uncontrolled diabetes, Crohn's disease (chronic inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract), severe burns, prolonged diarrhea, pre-eclampsia (pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure).

GenderAge groupsValue
MALEAll age groups20 - 370mg/dl
FEMALEAll age groups20 - 320 mg/dl
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