

Diagnostic Tests

Lactate Pleural Fluid


Lactate Pleural Fluid

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What is this test?

Lactate Pleural Fluid test is used to measure the level of lactate in your pleural fluid. This test may help in diagnosing the cause of the accumulation of pleural fluid in the pleural cavity between the lungs. The lactate is produced by almost every cell in the body and the concentration of lactate is generally low. The cells normally generate energy by converting glucose in the presence of oxygen. During the lack or decreased oxygen supply, the cells produce lactate which is then converted to produce ATP as energy. The increase or decrease in the lactate levels may indicate the presence of conditions or diseases which may either increase lactate production or decrease lactate clearance or presence of any metabolic disorders like diabetes, lactic acidosis etc.

What is Lactate?

Lactate is a product of cell metabolism. Large amounts of lactate are produced by the cells during the lack of oxygen due to strenuous exercise or in seriously ill patients who are suffering from conditions like sepsis, hypoxia, lactic acidosis, etc. The lactate is released into the blood which is then metabolized and excreted by the liver. The concentrations of lactate in various body fluids may be used to evaluate the causes or severity of the disease or disorders.

What is Pleural fluid?

The space between the chest wall and lungs is called the pleural cavity, the pleural cavity is made of two pleura called as the outer pleura or parietal pleura and inner or visceral pleura. The space between these pleura is filled by a small amount of fluid also called the pleural fluid. The pleural fluid lubricates the lungs and prevents the friction between the chest wall and lungs. The volume and composition of pleural fluid may change due to the imbalance of pressure of liquid between the blood vessels (Cirrhosis, heart failure), pancreatic diseases or disorders, cancers (lung and pancreatic cancers), infections (Pneumonia, tuberculosis), autoimmune disorders etc.

Why is this test performed?

This test may be recommended to you if you experience symptoms like fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, upper abdominal pain or feeling of fullness, coughing, difficulty in breathing, chest pain or pressure, weakness etc.

This test can also be recommended for individuals to check existing conditions like acute pancreatitis, cardiac(heart) and pulmonary (lung) disorders, malignancies etc.

Test Preparation

Inform your doctor if you are on any medications, have any allergies or underlying medical conditions before your Lactate Pleural Fluid. Your doctor will give specific instructions depending on your condition on how to prepare for Lactate Pleural Fluid.

No special preparation is needed for this test.

Understanding your test results

Higher or lower values of lactate in pleural fluid test results may indicate that the individual may have the diseases or conditions like trauma, kidney or liver diseases, cancers or tumors, muscle disorders, infections like bacterial, fungal or viral infections like tuberculosis, pericarditis, rheumatic disease etc.

Based on the test results, your doctor may advise you appropriate medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, or further diagnostic tests, etc.

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsFluid LD activity is normally less than plasma LD activity. Equal in inflammatory processes
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