

Diagnostic Tests

Hepatitis Profile


Hepatitis Profile

Also known as Hepatitis Profile Blood
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What is this test?

This test is the complete Hepatitis blood test used to find out the presence of Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G Virus in the blood.

What is Hepatitis and Hepatitis Antibodies:

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and can lead to scarring, cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis can be caused due to auto-immune diseases, alcohol or toxic substances. When a person is exposed to Hepatitis Virus, the body produces hepatitis antibodies. These antibodies develop 2 to 3 weeks after first being infected (and are detectable before the onset of symptoms) and lasts for about 3 to 6 months. Hepatitis A IgG antibodies are produced within 1 to 2 weeks of the IgM antibodies and usually persist for life. Hepatitis antibodies are the antibodies produced by the immune system to fight the hepatitis virus.

What are Antibodies and their types:

Antibodies are the protective proteins produced by the immune system and also known as immunoglobulins. Antibodies are produced when any foreign substance or virus or bacteria enters into the body. These foreign substances are known as antigens. Antibodies recognize and attach to the antigens in order to remove them from the body. There are five (5) subtypes of antibodies and they are IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgE.

IgG provides long-term protection as it presents in the circulation for long period after the presence of an antigen. IgM enhances the ingestion of cells by phagocytosis. IgA is also the first defense for intestine, lungs, and nose. They bind antigens to the microbes before they invade tissues and keeps antigens in secretion and when secretion is expelled, antigens are also expelled. IgD helps in the induction of antibody production and presents on the surface of B-cells. IgE binds to the basophils and mast cells.

Why This Test Is Performed:

This test is performed to check the presence of any of the Hepatitis viruses and their antibodies in the blood of an individual. The doctor may ask you to undergo this test if you are suffering from symptoms such as abdominal pain, joint pains, muscle pains, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, yellow skin and eyes, itching, dark urine etc.

If an individual is on the treatment for any of the Hepatitis viruses such as A, B, C, D, E, and G virus HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV, HGV then the doctor may ask to perform this test to evaluate and to check the effectiveness of the treatment.

How Often This Test Should Be Performed:

If you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis, your doctor may advise you to get this test done once in a year based on your clinical condition. If you are a healthy individual above the age of 35, your doctor may advise you to undergo this test either on a yearly basis or every other year.

Pathology Test Parameters:

Hepatitis Profile Blood Test has the following components- Hepatitis G Virus HGV, Hepatitis E Virus HEV, Hepatitis E Antibodies, Hepatitis D Antibodies, Hepatitis D Antigen, Hepatitis D RNA, Hepatitis C Viral Load, Hepatitis C RNA, Hepatitis C Virus, Hepatitis C Antibodies, Hepatitis A Antibodies, Hepatitis A titre, Hepatitis B Genotype, Hepatitis B Core Antibodies, Hepatitis B DNA Viral Load, Hepatitis B e Antibodies, Hepatitis B e Antigen, Hepatitis B Surface Antibodies, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen, Hepatitis Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis B Virus Drug Resistance.


Some medications may change the levels of antibodies in the blood and hence you are advised to inform all your current medications to the doctor prior to the test. Rheumatoid factor can give rise to false positive results.

Test Preparation

Inform your doctor if you are on any medications, have any allergies or underlying medical conditions before your Hepatitis Profile. Your doctor will give specific instructions depending on your condition on how to prepare for Hepatitis Profile.

There are no specific preparations required for this test.

Understanding your test results

Generally, there is no need for medical interventions if test results are in normal range.

The test results may be different depending on gender, age, health conditions, and other factors.

If the test results are negative it may indicate that there is no Hepatitis virus and the hepatitis antibodies in the blood of an individual.

In case the test results are positive it may indicate that there are hepatitis antibodies and virus in the blood of an individual.

Based on the test results, your doctor may advise appropriate medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, or further diagnostic tests.

GenderAge groupsValue
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe antibodies are not normally present. They are present in positive cases
UNISEXAll age groupsThe Antigen is detected in case of an infection
UNISEXAll age groupsThe observations are reported based on the resistance based mutations
UNISEXAll age groupsThe virus is detected in case of an infection
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