HB TC DC ESR Automated Blood test is a type of blood testing routine which is used to analyze/observe various parameters of the blood and blood components. These parameters include Blood hemoglobin, Total cell count (Number of white blood cells), Direct cell count (DC) (Number of eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils), ESR is done to check any inflammation in the body.
What are Blood cells, Hemoglobin, and ESR?
Blood is composed of cells and necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen needed for the health. The blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and are released into the blood. It provides nutrients and helps in the transport of gases within cells and tissues.
The three main types of blood cells are:
Red Blood Cells (RBC):
White Blood Cells (WBC):
Platelets (PLTs):
Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are the other two important substances in the blood. Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. It carries oxygen to the body's organs and tissues from the lungs. It also transports carbon dioxide from the body back to the lungs. Hematocrit is the percentage of red blood cell found in the whole blood.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate is a blood test that measures the rate at which the red blood cells sediment at the bottom of a test tube in an hour. Normally, the red blood cells settle down very gradually at the bottom of the test tube. But in the case of inflammation, the cells clump together and become denser. This makes the cells to quickly settle to the bottom of a test tube.
Why this test is performed?
This test is performed as part of a routine check-up to monitor the overall health of an individual. Your doctor may ask to perform this test to diagnose or to screen for diseases and conditions such as anemia, infections, cancer or any bleeding disorder. This test is also recommended by your doctor if you experience signs and symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, pale skin, cold hands, and feet, etc. These are some of the common signs and symptoms which may be associated with anemia or polycythemia.
You may be advised to undergo this test if you are pregnant, have a family history of anemia, are suffering from an infection, have had blood loss after surgery, are suffering from heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding, etc. This test is also performed to monitor the treatment response in individuals receiving treatment for diseases or conditions that affect blood cells.
How often this test is performed?
If you have a family history of blood disorders or conditions that affect blood cells like viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, anemia, certain medications, diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, certain medications, etc or your doctor may ask you to perform this test on a 6-monthly basis or a yearly basis. Anemic patients should perform this test on a regular basis, or as instructed by the doctor.
Pathology test parameters:
Malarial Parasite (Positive or Negative), ESR (Erythrocyte sedimentation rate), Red blood cells (RBC), White blood cells (WBC), Platelets (PLTs), Hemoglobin (Hb) and Hematocrit (Hct).
Inform your doctor if you are on any medications, have any allergies or underlying medical conditions before your Hb Tc Dc Esr Automated Blood. Your doctor will give specific instructions depending on your condition on how to prepare for Hb Tc Dc Esr Automated Blood.
No specific preparation is necessary for this test.
The test results may be different depending on gender, age, health conditions, and other factors. Generally, there is no need for medical interventions if test results are in normal range.
If the parameters of HB TC DC ESR Automated BLOOD test are not in the recommended normal reference range, then it may indicate that there may be a chances for abnormalities in the blood or you may be suffering from conditions related to blood such as anemia, bleeding disorders, infections like malaria, dengue, fever, heart or lung diseases etc.
Based on the test results, your doctor may advise you appropriate medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, or further diagnostic tests, etc.
Gender | Age groups | Value |
MALE | All age groups | 13.5 to 18.0 gm/dl |
FEMALE | All age groups | 12.5 to 15.0 |
MALE | All age groups | 4000 - 11000 cells/ cumm |
FEMALE | All age groups | 4000 - 11000 cells/ cumm |
MALE | All age groups | 40 - 70% |
FEMALE | All age groups | 40 - 70% |
MALE | All age groups | 20 - 40% |
FEMALE | All age groups | 20 - 40% |
MALE | All age groups | 2 - 10% |
FEMALE | All age groups | 2 - 10% |
MALE | All age groups | 1 - 8% |
FEMALE | All age groups | 1 - 8% |
MALE | All age groups | 1 - 2% |
FEMALE | All age groups | 1 - 2% |
MALE | All age groups | 0 - 20 mm/1 hour |
FEMALE | All age groups | 0 - 25 mm/1 hour |