Direct or indirect contact with Pigeon allergens frequently causes sensitisation. Pigeon allergens may be major components in house dust. Pigeon breeder's disease (PBD) has been found in 6-21% of breeders, the figure differing from country to country. This IgE antibody allergy test uses a blood sample to determine if you are allergic to Pigeon Droppings. Traditional allergy tests utilize the Skin Prick method (also known as a Puncture or Scratch test) to determine whether an allergic reaction will occur by inserting possible triggers into your skin using a needle prick. If you are allergic to the substance, you are forced to suffer through your body's reaction to the allergen. Contact of dust from the pigeon attic can result in heterogeneity of illnesses like asthma, ornithosis, and lung swelling from huffing nuisance clouds of dust. Allergenic proteins are present in bird droppings and feather blooms. Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungus typically found in pigeon droppings and also in dust in numerous parts of the world. Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), the contributory mediator of avian tuberculosis which is found universally in soil and droppings of diseased birds. Individuals infected with MAC may develop lymphadenitis & pulmonary sickness resembling to tuberculosis or further severe dispersed illness. Transmission of MAC takes place principally through aerosolization and breathing of the agent in dried out bird droppings and polluted soil.
No special preparation is needed for Allergy Pigeon Droppings Enzyme Assay Skin. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Allergy Pigeon Droppings Enzyme Assay Skin. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.
Gender | Age groups | Value |
UNISEX | All age groups | A wheal and flare reaction of atleast 3mm indicates that the patient is allergic to the substance |