This is FOOD allergen. The large Pecan tree, native to and very common in southern and especially south-eastern North America, is important for its timber and edible nuts. The Pecan nut was a major food source for the American Indians for thousands of years. IgE-mediated allergy to foods containing Pecan nuts is common. Pecan nut allergy frequently has an onset in the first few years of life and generally persists, accounting for severe and potentially fatal allergic reactions. This allergy test uses a blood sample to determine if you are allergic to five common Nut/Seed allergens: Almond, Coconut, Peanut, Pecan, Sesame Seed. Did you know: Allergic reactions can be caused by ingestion, skin contact, and even inhalation. Peanut and tree nut allergies typically develop during childhood and are usually lifelong. Peanut and tree nut allergies are two of the most common--and often severe--food allergies. In the case of peanut and tree nut allergies, the body sees the nuts as a toxin, rather than a food. The immune system reacts by releasing histamines and antibodies to fight the toxin, causing symptoms such as swelling, rashes, throat swelling, gastrointestinal issues (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), and more. Peanut allergies have been known to cause some of the most severe allergic reactions of all food allergies, including anaphylaxis and even death. Symptoms often appear almost instantly or within minutes of contact with the nut and can last anywhere from hours to weeks. Traditional allergy tests utilize the Skin Prick method (also known as a Puncture or Scratch test) to determine whether an allergic reaction will occur by inserting possible triggers into your skin using a needle prick. If you are allergic to the substance, you are forced to suffer through your body's reaction to the allergen.
No special preparation is needed for Allergy Nuts Radio Immunoabsorbent Blood. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Allergy Nuts Radio Immunoabsorbent Blood. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.
Gender | Age groups | Value |
UNISEX | All age groups | Increased IgE (>100kU/l) is seen if the person is allergic to the specific substance |