This test is used to test the individual for any allergy towards okra/ladys finger or food which contain it. A small sample of blood is taken to test for an allergic reaction. Your doctor may suggest this test if he/she suspects that the cause of your allergic reaction may be due to ladys finger/okra or products containing it.
Okra or Ladys Finger is the common name for abelmoschus esculentus. It is a type of vegetable and may cause allergic reactions in certain people. People may have allergy towards various substances and certain foods may be one of the cause of allergic reactions. The immune system protects the body form various substances which may cause harm. In an allergic reaction the body misunderstands these usually harmless substances like dust, certain foods and fights against them which causes the symptoms which are harmless and sometimes the allergic reactions can be life-threatening like causing narrowing of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Very serious allergic reactions is called as Anaphylaxis. It is a medical emergency condition which leads to facial flushing, itching, shock, sudden fall in blood pressure, constriction of airways, swollen throat, difficulty to breathe, etc.
This test may be recommended to you if you experience symptoms like severe itching, rashes, inflammation of the skin, runny or stuffy nose, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, mild fever, gastrointestinal upset like nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, etc immediately or later after consuming lady’s finger/okra or foods containing lady’s finger/okra. This may also be recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment if you are diagnosed already.
No special preparation is needed for Allergy Ladys Finger Enzyme Assay Blood. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Allergy Ladys Finger Enzyme Assay Blood. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.
Positive results of this test indicate that an individual is allergic to lady’s finger/okra or foods containing lady’s finger/okra
Negative results indicate that an individual is not allergic to lady’s finger/okra or foods containing lady’s finger/okra
Contact your doctor/health care provider with your results for further advice.
Gender | Age groups | Value |
UNISEX | All age groups | Increased IgE (>100kU/l) is seen if the person is allergic to the specific substance |