The beef allergy can be confirmed in a hospital with an allergist, who diagnoses on the basis of complaints and examination of the patient. Varied skin and blood tests allow determining the form of the allergen. If the results of medical examination prove the existence of an allergy not only to one particular allergen but also to meat in general, the best remedy is to follow a pescovegetarian diet. It means a complete exclusion of meat products but fish is not under ban. The protein is vital components of a balanced diet for the human nutrition, so in the case of an allergy, it should be replaced with vegetables. The doctors advise eating more soy, beans and dairy products. If the allergic manifestations have already occurred, the allergist can prescribe only hormonal allergy medications, which are able to quickly remove the symptoms. If the illness is in an early stage of the development the following antihistamines are used: Zyrtec, Suprastin, Ksizal,Claritin, Advantan cream. The babies are treated with the help of ointments and gels (for skin reactions), nasal sprays and eye drops. Other medications like entero-sorbents, eliminate food allergy by accumulating toxins from the organism. In severe cases of intolerance to beef, immunomodulatory drugs can be assigned. The basic healing can be complemented with the traditional methods, for instance, people use different plants such as marigold and its decoction, which help to cope with food intolerance. The patient should consume this broth for several months instead of tea. Bee products improve the work of the immune system; of course, they can be used only in case of absence of any allergic reactions to them. It must be stressed that an allergy does not accept the self-treatment. Improperly selected medications can aggravate allergic processes. After the end of the treatment course, under the advice of the doctor, the patient can try to eat other types of meat in small portions, for example, a chicken, turkey or lamb.
No special preparation is needed for Allergy Beef Enzyme Assay Blood. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications or have any underlying medical conditions or allergies before undergoing Allergy Beef Enzyme Assay Blood. Your doctor depending on your condition will give specific instructions.
Gender | Age groups | Value |
UNISEX | All age groups | Increased IgE (>100kU/l) is seen if the person is allergic to the specific substance |