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Piles Surgery
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20 Piles Surgery Doctors in Pune

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Speciality Clinic For Laproscopy & Bariatric Surgery

Speciality Clinic For Laproscopy & Bariatric Surgery

1 General Surgeon
32 years experience
₹1200Consultation Fees
95%455 Patient Stories

Dr. Ashok Nandlal Lathi

General Surgeon
40 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kundan Kharde

General Surgeon
18 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Anuradha S Dnyanmote

General Surgeon
29 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

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Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors

Dr. Sachin Sharad Vaze

General Surgeon
20 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Girish Bapat

Laparoscopic Surgeon
32 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vidhyachandra Gandhi

General Surgeon
23 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kedar Pratap Patil

Laparoscopic Surgeon
15 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rohit Sachitanand Shool

General Surgeon
20 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vinod Gore

General Surgeon
26 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Deepak Kulkarni

General Surgeon
20 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Piles Surgery

Piles Surgeries Doctors In Pune

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Piles Surgery in Pune

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Piles Surgery and its advantages?

Piles Surgery is a type of surgical procedure that treats the piles by removing them. This surgery will help in treating grade 3 and 4 piles, those cannot be treated with the medications. It also removes both internal land external piles. Another name for Piles Surgery is Hemorrhoid surgery. 

Piles Surgery is of different types and they are:

  1. Hemorrhoidopexy
  2. Hemorrhoidal artery ligation
  3. Sclerotherapy
  4. Banding
  5. Infrared coagulation
  6. Hemorrhoid stapling
  7. Hemorrhoidectomy

Some of the advantages of Piles Surgery are the following:

  1. Treats piles that cannot be treated with medicines
  2. Improves patient's quality of life
  3. Reduces the pain during the passing of stool
  4. Treat thrombosed external hemorrhoids 

What are the indications of Piles Surgery?

Indications of Piles Surgery are the following:

  1. Accumulation of pressure in the blood vessels in and around the anus
  2. Stress while bowel movement
  3. Severe constipation
  4. Family history of piles 

What can be the preparation for Piles Surgery?

  1. Before undergoing the surgery, the medical condition of the patient will be checked by the doctor.
  2. Laxatives will be given to the patient a day before the surgery.
  3. Patient should inform past and present medical and medication history to the doctor.
  4. A few lab tests or other examinations may be recommended by the doctor.
  5. Discuss all the risks and complications along with the benefits of Piles Surgery with the doctor.
  6. Should drink plenty of water. 

What is the recovery care for Piles Surgery?

Few steps are recommended by the doctor for the recovery from Piles Surgery and they are:

  1. Should not drive until recovered from the anesthetic effect.
  2. Eat fiber-rich food like apples, bananas, oranges, etc.
  3. Do not lift heavyweights.
  4. To avoid dehydration, drink water.

Which specialist can perform the Piles Surgery?

  1. Gastroenterologist
  2. Proctologist 

How much does Piles Surgery cost in Pune?

Factors that may affect the cost of Piles Surgery are:

  1. Surgeon fee
  2. Patient age
  3. Severity of the piles
  4. Type of surgery planned to be performed.
  5. Type of hospital
  6. Medical condition of the patient
  7. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  8. Admission fee
  9. Admission room that you opted for
  10. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc. 

Minimum expenses in Pune starts from Rs.15,000

Average amount to be paid in Pune is approximately Rs.70,500

Maximum charges in Pune rise up to Rs.1,40,000  

Is Piles Surgery major or minor surgery?

Piles Surgery can be a major or minor depending on the size and severity of the piles. 

To what kind of people Piles Surgery is recommended?

Piles Surgery is recommended in the following individuals:

  1. People with difficulty in passing stools.
  2. Individuals with piles that are hanging out of the anus.
  3. Patients with internal and external piles.
  4. People passing black colored stools with a lot of pain.

To what kind of people Piles Surgery is not recommended?

Piles Surgery is not recommended in the following individuals:

  1. Patients who had recent colorectal surgery.
  2. People with piles that can be treated with medications.

What are the risks and complications associated with Piles Surgery?

Risks and complications of Piles Surgery are:

  1. Incontinence in the feces
  2. Anal stricture
  3. Bleeding from the rectum
  4. Impaction of feces
  5. Difficulty to pass stools
  6. Anal infection 

How much time does Piles Surgery take to complete?

To complete Piles Surgery, the surgeon may take almost 20-40 minutes 

How long does it take to recover from Piles Surgery?

It may take around 1-2 weeks to recover from Piles Surgery. 

What is the success rate of Piles Surgery?

The factors that affect the success rate of Piles Surgery are:

  1. Type of surgery performed
  2. Age of the patient
  3. The medical condition of the patient
  4. The severity of piles
  5. Size of piles

However, the success rate of Piles Surgery maybe 95%. 

Does Piles Surgery cause pain?

The patient won't be experiencing pain during this process because of the anesthetic effect. 

Is Piles Surgery Permanent?

Piles Surgery is a permanent removal of the piles and in a few cases, piles can reoccur. 

What are the long-term results of Piles Surgery?

  1. Reduction in anal pain while passing stools.
  2. Decreases the black-colored stools.

What can be done if Piles Surgery fails?

If Piles Surgery fails, then the doctor may suggest undergoing revision surgery. 

What are the other treatments apart from Piles Surgery?

Alternative treatment options apart from Piles Surgery are the following: 

  1. Cryohemorrhoidectomty
  2. Electrotherapy
  3. Anal dilation
  4. Medication treatment
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