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Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection

Manufactured bySANOFI INDIA LTD


Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is composed of Sodium Hyaluronate. It is used to relieve pain from osteoarthritis (pain on movement due to wearing of the protective covering at the ends of the bones). It is used in people who have failed to achieve adequate relief from simple painkillers or exercise and physical therapy. This medicine works by lubricating your joints, which helps your joints to move without discomfort. Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection may cause some side effects like weakness, loss of appetite, skin irritation, headache etc. These side effects are mostly temporary and resolve on their own. Consult your doctor if these side effects are persistent or bothering you. Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is given by a qualified healthcare professional in a hospital or clinic. Your dose will be dependant on the severity of your condition. While receiving this medicine, you will be under close supervision for the first 30 minutes for any signs of allergy like swelling of your mouth/lips/throat, rashes, redness etc. Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is not recommended if you are allergic to it. Inform your doctor about all your current medications and existing medical conditions. This can help your doctor to adjust your dose to avoid side effects. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before receiving this medicine.


List of substitutes for Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection

Pain at the injection site


Loss of appetite

Skin rash, hives, or itching

Swelling of the knee

Swelling of eyelids, face, lips

Muscle pain


Uses of Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection

What is it prescribed for?


Osteoarthritis is a type of joint disorder that occurs when the protective cartilage, that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is used to relieve symptoms such as pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis in people who fail to achieve adequate relief from simple painkillers or from exercise and physical therapy.

Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?

    The amount of time required for Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection to show its action is not clinically established.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection can remain in your body for around 4-5 days.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?

    Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?

    No habit-forming tendencies were reported for Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?

    Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is not recommended for use in pregnant women as not enough studies are done to understand its safety and efficacy. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?

    It is not known whether Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection passes into breast milk or if it could affect your infant. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding before using this medicine.


Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is not recommended if you are allergic to it. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms such as skin rash, itching/swelling (especially of your face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, breathing difficulty, etc.

Joint infection

Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is not recommended for use if you have an infection in your joints as it can increase the risk of spreading the infection.

Warnings for special population


Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is not recommended for use in pregnant women as not enough studies are done to understand its safety and efficacy. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.


It is not known whether Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection passes into breast milk or if it could affect your infant. Inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding before using this medicine.

General warnings


Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection may cause swelling in your knee. Your doctor may advise you to rest your knee or apply ice for a short time after the injection. If the symptoms are severe, contact your doctor immediately for further instructions.

Strenuous activities

You are recommended to avoid strenuous activities such as jogging, tennis, heavy lifting, standing on your feet for a long time, etc. for at least 48 hours after receiving Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection in the knee.

Joint effusion

Joint effusion is a condition involving an excessive amount of fluid in or around a joint, usually the knee. If you have joint effusion, your doctor will treat it first before receiving Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection as it may worsen your condition.

Skin irritation

Any instance indicative of allergic reactions or skin irritation while using Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection should be reported to your doctor immediately. Appropriate corrective measures or replacements with a suitable medicine may be necessary in some cases.

Missed Dose

As Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is given by a qualified healthcare professional in the clinical/hospital setting, the likelihood of missing a dose is very low.


As Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is given in the hospital setting by a qualified healthcare professional, the likelihood of an overdose is very low. However, emergency medical treatment will be initiated by the doctor if an overdose is suspected.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.

Interaction with Alcohol


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.

Interaction with Medicine

Benzalkonium chloride

Disease interactions


Information not available.

Food interactions

Information not available.

Lab interactions

Information not available.
Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection is usually given in a clinical/hospital setting under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor. Inform your doctor if you have a known allergy to this medicine. Refrain from performing strenuous activities for 48 hours after receiving this medicine. Report all your current medicines as well as your medical conditions to your doctor before receiving this medicine.


Usage does not depend on food timings

To be taken as instructed by doctor

Does not cause sleepiness

How it works

Synvisc Hylan G-F 20 Injection acts as a lubricant and helps your joints to work properly, thereby lessening the pain.

Legal Status







Viscosupplementation agents


Schedule H 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 2 November 2021].> 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 2 November 2021].>

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2021. FDA-Approved Dermal Fillers. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 2 November 2021].>

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Information on this page was last updated on 22 Nov 2021


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