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AtorSave D 10 Tablet

ContainsAtorvastatin (10 mg) + Vitamin D3 (1000 International units )
15 TABLET ( 15 / STRIP )


AtorSave D 10 Tablet is a combination of Atorvastatin and Cholecalciferol. It is used orally to lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and fats (triglycerides) and increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in your body. AtorSave D 10 Tablet reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It works by blocking the enzyme responsible for the formation of bad cholesterol and fats in your body. It also aids in absorbing calcium and may help to reduce the muscle-related side effects of Atorvastatin. The common side effects of AtorSave D 10 Tablet use are nausea, stomach pain, constipation, and muscle weakness. Usually, these side effects resolve with time. Let your doctor know if you notice yellowing of your skin, muscle pain or dark urine. You should take AtorSave D 10 Tablet with food to avoid an upset stomach. Take the tablet as a whole without breaking, crushing or chewing in your mouth. Do not stop taking it until you have finished the complete course, even when you feel better. You may be advised to monitor your liver function and blood sugar levels while taking AtorSave D 10 Tablet. Your doctor may monitor your cholesterol and fat levels closely to make sure this medicine is working properly. To make sure AtorSave D 10 Tablet is safe for you, share your entire medical history with your doctor. Let the doctor know if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or are breastfeeding.


List of substitutes for AtorSave D 10 Tablet

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for AtorSave D 10 Tablet



Joint pain

Runny Nose

Difficulty in breathing



Mental Confusion


Excessive air or gas in stomach

Uses of AtorSave D 10 Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

Mixed Dyslipidemia

AtorSave D 10 Tablet is used to reduce high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and fats (triglycerides) in your blood. It also increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder characterized by high cholesterol levels. AtorSave D 10 Tablet is used to lower the cholesterol levels in your body.

Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

AtorSave D 10 Tablet is used to reduce the risk of heart attacks by lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood. High cholesterol levels get accumulated in your blood vessels (coronary artery) and narrows or block the blood vessels leading to an interrupted blood supply to your heart.

Prevention of Stroke

AtorSave D 10 Tablet is used to reduce the risk of stroke by reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood. A stroke occurs when a blockage in your blood vessels interrupt or reduces blood supply to your brain. It can also occur when high cholesterol levels get accumulated in your blood vessels (carotid artery) and narrows or blocks the blood vessels leading to an interrupted blood supply to your brain.

Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?

    AtorSave D 10 Tablet may start to show its action in 1-2 hours after taking it orally.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    AtorSave D 10 Tablet may stay in the body for up to 24 hours.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?

    Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?

    AtorSave D 10 Tablet has no habit-forming tendency.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?

    AtorSave D 10 Tablet is not recommended to use in pregnancy as it can harm your foetus. Seek your doctor's advice as studies on pregnant women and animals have shown significant harmful effects on foetal development.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?

    AtorSave D 10 Tablet may pass into the breastmilk. This may harm your infant potentially. Discontinue breastfeeding while on AtorSave D 10 Tablet treatment. Discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor before taking this medicine.


Avoid taking AtorSave D 10 Tablet if you are previously allergic to it. Seek an immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, breathing difficulties, etc.

Liver Disease

AtorSave D 10 Tablet is converted into its active form by liver. The presence of the liver disease may impair the conversion of this medicine into its active form thus leading to the accumulation of this medicine in your liver. This accumulation may worsen the liver condition. Hence, AtorSave D 10 Tablet is not recommended for use if you have active liver diseases.


AtorSave D 10 Tablet is not recommended for use if there are high calcium levels in your body (Hypercalcemia).

Warnings for special population


AtorSave D 10 Tablet is not recommended to use in pregnancy as it can harm your foetus. Seek your doctor's advice as studies on pregnant women and animals have shown significant harmful effects on foetal development.


AtorSave D 10 Tablet may pass into the breastmilk. This may harm your infant potentially. Discontinue breastfeeding while on AtorSave D 10 Tablet treatment. Discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor before taking this medicine.

General warnings

Cognitive impairment

AtorSave D 10 Tablet may cause forgetfulness, memory loss, and confusion. These symptoms usually disappear gradually once the use of the medicine is discontinued.

Increase in blood sugar levels

AtorSave D 10 Tablet may cause an increase in your blood sugar levels. It is recommended to closely monitor your blood sugar levels.

Muscle degradation in elderly

AtorSave D 10 Tablet may cause muscle breakdown along with symptoms such as severe tiredness and weakness, especially in the elderly patients. Close monitoring of the clinical conditions is indicated.

Heavy alcohol consumption

AtorSave D 10 Tablet may cause liver and kidney related problems if you consume alcohol very frequently in large quantities while on treatment with this medicine.

Missed Dose

If you forget to take a AtorSave D 10 Tablet dose, make sure that you remember to take your next dose on time. Do not take two doses together to make up for a forgotten dose.


Never take AtorSave D 10 Tablet more than the prescribed dose. If you suspect that you might have taken an overdose of this medicine, go to the emergency department of your local hospital.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.

Interaction with Alcohol


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.

Interaction with Medicine





Disease interactions


Caution should be exercised while taking AtorSave D 10 Tablet if you have rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which damaged muscle fibres enter the bloodstream, leading to kidney failure.


Caution should be exercised while taking AtorSave D 10 Tablet in diabetic patients. This medicine may alter your blood sugar levels. Your doctor may advise you to monitor the blood sugar levels frequently while you are on AtorSave D 10 Tablet.

Food interactions

Consumption of grapefruit juice is not recommended while taking AtorSave D 10 Tablet. Signs and symptoms like muscle pain and weakness, fever, and chills, swelling of joints, skin rash, nausea, vomiting should be reported to your doctor.

Lab interactions

Information not available.
AtorSave D 10 Tablet should be taken orally in the evening after dinner. In general, AtorSave D 10 Tablet is safe. It may cause diarrhoea, gas or an upset stomach. If any of these happen to you, take it with food. It may cause a decrease in the amount of calcium in your blood. Therefore, take calcium-rich food in your diet and have regular blood tests to monitor the level of calcium in your blood. Notify your doctor if you observe yellow eyes or skin or dark urine after starting the medication. Do not crush, break or chew the tablet in your mouth.


To be taken with food

To be taken as instructed by doctor

Effect on sleep is not established

How it works

AtorSave D 10 Tablet is a combination of Atorvastatin and Cholecalciferol. Atorvastatin reduces the level of cholesterol in your blood and helps in preventing the increase of LDL (low-density lipoproteins). It blocks the enzyme responsible for the formation of bad cholesterol and fats in your body. Cholecalciferol relieves the muscular pain caused by Atorvastatin. It also aids your body to absorb calcium.

Legal Status







Statins, Vitamins


Schedule H 2021. Atorvastatin 10 mg Film-coated Tablets - Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) - (emc). [online] Available at: < [Accessed 18 August 2021].> 2021. Colecalciferol 1 000 IU Capsules - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc). [online] Available at: < [Accessed 18 August 2021].> 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 18 August 2021].> 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 18 August 2021].>

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Information on this page was last updated on 18 Aug 2021


We’ve made all possible efforts to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, up-to-date and complete, however, it should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only provides reference source for common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. The absence of a warning for any drug or combination thereof, should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for any given patient. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. See detailed T&C here.

15 TABLET ( 15 / STRIP )