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Dr. Nitin Chaudhari Internal Medicine in Jalgaon

Dr. Nitin Chaudhari

Profile is claimed

MD - General Medicine, MBBS

Internal Medicine

11 Years Experience Overall

Medical Registration Verified

Dr. Nitin Chaudhari is an Oncologist and Haematologist practicing in Jalgaon for last 3 years. He is trained in treating patients suffering from various blood disorders and cancer. He is trained in reputed medical schools from Mumbai, Nagpur, and Ahmedabad. He is a recipient of Gold Medal at DM Examination which is the apex degree in Haematology and Oncology.He runs his own Hospital in Jalgaon.He is the alone qualified chemotherapy specialist in Khandesh and western Vidarbh at present.

Patient Stories for Dr. Nitin Chaudhari
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Jeevan Jyoti Cancer Hospital
Jalgaon Peth