1. Importance of timely removal of milk teeth. The following article covers why it is important
  2. The first set of teeth coming in your kids mouth is known as milk teeth
  3. They usually starts falling from  5 to 6 years of age making way for the second set of teeth known as permanent teeth
  4. Lower incisors are the first teeth which usually starts shaking first. (For some kids it will be the upper incisors which start falling first and that is also entirely normal)
  5. The pressure from the newly erupting teeth will make this happen and the new teeth will come in the space occupied by their predecessors
  6. A lower incisor coming in the space earlier occupied by the milk teeth
  7. In some kids lower permanent incisors can be seen coming behind the milk teeth which will prevent the milk teeth from falling. The mouth will then have two sets of incisors
  8. The picture shows retained milk teeth
  9. If the above happens the lower incisors wont fall by itself because there is no more pressure from the erupting permanent teeth. The dentist can help here by pulling out the milk teeth and thus creating space for the permanent incisors to come in its position
  10. Retained decayed roots of milk teeth is another problem. They will push the permanent teeth and they may come out in wrong positions
  11. In the above scenario the removal of the decayed teeth would have helped the nearby canine to come in its proper position

    12. Early loss of milk teeth due to decay will result in loss of spacing the said area. This will result in blocking out of the permanent teeth

  12. In this scenario the blocked out permanent teeth may not come out or come in a wrong position
  13. In summary the timely removal of milk teeth and prevention of early loss of permanent teeth is the way to make sure for a beautiful set of adult teeth