Summers are here, are you ready to beat the heat? If not let me help you by sharing some simple and doable tips to keep your skin sparking like a diamond!

  • Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! First mantra for summer. Fluid intake is never enough in the summer heat, so consume lots of water, fresh juices, coconut water, butter milk, avoid fizzy and very sugary drinks.
  • Wear loose cotton outfits, avoid dark coloured clothes. They absorb heat and can cause sunburns and prickly heat. Let your skin breathe wear loose cotton clothes.
  • Use sunblock, SPF 15 or above is enough. But dont forget your neck, hands and legs! Always reapply every 3 hours. Look for UVA and UVB protection in your sunscreen.
  • Protect your hair, wear a hat if on holiday.