Laser hair removal - facial hair

While a lot of us have our fixed appointments with our dear waxing ladies and salons where we get our monthly grooming done, Sessions of laser hair removal can help just as much and more. Did I say, Laser, is it? Yes, most certainly did.Now a few of you may be scared of this concept and a few may just be nodding their heads agreeing with what a blessing this has been for them. While it’s absolutely fine to stick with your regular waxing appointments, Laser is a pain-free way to reduce the hair growth hence no waxing anymore.

Skin tone – Your skin tone should not be a problem for getting the laser hair reduction treatment. Skip the assumptions and get in touch with a doctor who can tell you the number of sessions you’ll require based on your hair growth.As a bride, you don’t want to worry about waxing appointments in the months leading up to your special day. 

  • Painful – A lot of people are under the impression that Laser hair removal proves to be a very painful affair. Fear not these sessions won’t hurt you; they will leave you with smoother skin, no hair and a pain-free experience. Now can your regular salon appointments guarantee that? LHR is the effective way to go with your always on the toes schedule and so much to do, who has the time anymore for trips to the salon.  
  • Laser hair removal? Isn’t that costly? – Well, two of your queries will be answered here. Firstly the treatment is for laser hair reduction, not removal, as this is not a permanent way of hair removal. Your hair will grow back, lesser and not as frequent. The new technologies are made to make this a solution for your ease, even for your pocket. These sessions are not as expensive as people may think and this pain-free experience may cost a little more than a painful trip to any high-end salon.When getting the smallest details perfectly done up for a wedding, you sure want to make sure that the bride gets her grooming sessions too. 
  • Where and where not can you get Laser Hair reduction done? – Everywhere is the answer, well almost everywhere. From all the visible areas to nether regions they all make you visit the parlour once or twice every month, don’t they? It is a myth that laser hair reduction cannot be done on specific parts (yes, we’ve all heard the gossip) rest assured that once the doctor consults your skin type and skin tone they will be able to specify how many sessions you’ll require and how will they be able to help you.
    Laser hair reduction for men

  • Laser hair reduction for men – Yes! It’s no joke, not all men like hairy chests or the over-grown beard look. It’s a very common myth that men don’t go in for laser hair reduction treatments, on the contrary men prefer this convenience as it shapes their beard according to the look they want. Laser hair reduction is popular among male clientele today as with this heat in India not only is hygienic but super comfortable to be clean and shaven.Grooms, this is really good grooming for you before the big day. Custom packages with laser hair removal can be made for you according to your skin tone and type.
  • Safety – One and all that you may have met and have not been through the laser hair removal procedure would always say that their heart skips a beat thinking about going below the laser. The safety concerns are at an all-time high which is the reason why the safety measures are too. Laser hair reduction is a safe procedure; always make sure that you choose a certified clinic/centre to get the treatment done, and Voila! There you have it, smooth hair-free skin.

These are just a few of the queries that people generally come up with and myths that people believe in. The best way to clear your mind about LHR is to call your doctor and bombard them with questions. Let’s meet, chat, have a cup of coffee and give you that glow that your skin is thirsty for.