We work hard to lead a good life. Sometimes we forget a good life is not the end but a means to the end. Good life is directly linked to be healthy, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately day to day stress, not eating right, sedentary lifestyle is making you physically unhealthy which is most commonly seen as weight gain. This weight gain is shaving years off your life by making you more prone to lifestyle diseases like heart health, diabetes, etc. You can easily manage and even reverse this lifestyle condition by controlling your weight with the help of a healthy weight loss diet.

Eating healthy is as simple or as complicated we make it. For starters let’s debunk the common myth attached to being healthy. Its not the chapattis or rice that is making you fat. Its the lack of routine and readiness to eat out more often than you should be that is adding to your waist line. Therefore a healthy weight loss diet should contain everything but in moderation. So before you jump of a weight loss diet band wagon here are a few things you need to know about healthy weight loss diet.

1) Stop counting calories:

Focusing on calories is extremely complicated and impractical. Some people can successfully control their diet by counting calories but for most of us its impossible to put a number on everything that goes in your mouth and then keep up with the math! Instead focus on the quality of food and not the quantity. Its a lot simpler.

2) Exotic foods are not important:

Most diets fail in the long term is because the foods suggested are not a part of your actual day to day life. For most of the ingredients you have to go out of your way and source them. You dont need fancy foods to boost your metabolism. Starting your day with something as basic as, drinking plain glass of water, can help boost metabolism.

3) You Don’t need to eat every two hours:

Most people on a weight loss diet are recommended to eat every two hours. But this is kind of impractical for working professionals or people with active social life. A healthy weight loss diet can consist of 3 meals with two optional snacks. Eating every two hours makes you constantly think of food. This makes it especially difficult for foodies who cant seem to get a break from thinking about food. Your day needs to have more elements other than just thinking and planning your next meal.

4) Avoid Fruits for Weight loss:

People avoid fruit when on a diet because of its sugar content. Fruits contain sugar, but this sugar is very different from added sugar. Sugar found in fruits does not spike your blood sugar levels like added sugar does. Besides Fruits area storehouse of nutrition & contain essential nutrients like antioxidants that are critical for good health. NO other food source contains antioxidants and othet variety of nutrients found in fruit.

5) Protein is not the only nutrient that helps in weight loss:

People think protein helps you lose weight. But they dont know how. Protein simply keeps you full for longer helping curb hunger. But remember if you eat more protein than your body can digest it stores all that extra protein as fat in your body. Besides protein sources also have calories. Just eating a diet high on protein will not magically shave the extra weight from your body.

Completely depriving yourself of food you like will only lead to suppression, which you can only last for a short period of time. What happens when you completely stop doing what you love doing? You become obsessive about it and when the flood gates open the damage is very difficult to reverse. More over this behaviour adds a lot of mental stress to an individual. So remember moderation is the secret sauce to a healthy weight loss diet.