Plantar fasciitis is a reason of pain under the heel. It normally goes in time. An inflammation and pain of your plantar fascia is known as plantar fasciitis. A strong, thick band tissue or ligament which stretches from your calcaneum (heel) to your middle foot bones is your plantar fascia which also supports your foot arch. It also acts like a shock-absorber in your foot. These pain in plantar fascia is mostly common in runners.

Plantar fasciitis is included as one of the very common reasons of heel pain. It mainly causes stabbing pain which normally occurs in morning with your first step. The pain of plantar fasciitis normally decreases, once your foot limbers up. The chances of return in pain increases after standing for a long time or after standing up from a seated position


If foot pain occurs during nights, there are possibility of different problems like arthritis, or nerve problems such as tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Plantar fasciitis is more often at risk for active people between the ages of 40 and 70. Also it is little bit much more experience by women than men.

Due to injuries that have happened over time, plantar fasciitis may often occur. One can feel less pain within few weeks, after having a treatment from your physiotherapist. But it may take some months to cure completely.


The following are the symptoms of plantar fasciitis observed in patient-

  • When plantar fasciitis occurs, sharp and unilateral pain occurs in your foot.
  • Foot Pain occurs in morning during the first step after getting up from bed.
  • Pain occurs after being seated for long time in place and position.
  • Pain and stiffness occurs in morning increases as the day progresses.
  • Pain occurs when you stand on your toes or climb stairs.
  • Pain occurs after standing for a long time.
  • In the starting of exercise pain decreases or may get completely heal as the exercise goes on, but it may come back after the completion of exercise.
  • The presence of numbness, swelling, radiating pain and a tingling sensation.


There are some of the reasons responsible for the plantar fasciitis-

  • Plantar fasciitis may due to standing for a longtime or if one do lots of walking, running, etc.
  • If one have started exercise recently on a hard surface.
  • There are chances of plantar fasciitis if you are overweight or obese, as theses increases pressure on your plantar fascia ligaments.
  • Women during pregnancy experience plantar fasciitis, specially during late pregnancy.
  • Plantar fascia problems are likely happen in long distance runners.
  • People such as factory server, waiters having active job that includes being on feet often are at the risk.
  • People having a very high arches or very flat feet, may often develop plantar fasciitis.
  • Tight achilles tendons may also result in plantar fascis pain.
  • It may occur due to wearing shoes with soft soles and poor arch support.


The following are the ways to diagnose plantar fasciitis and the following tests are to be taken for the same:-


As the diagnosis are based on the history related to the injury. So your physiotherapist will often take a sight at your walk and will check if you can stand on your tiptoe or not.

                            Thompson Test

  • With the help of calf squeeze test or thompson’s test method your physiotherapist will check your tendon.


  • MRI Scans:- The magnetic resonance imaging gives the better images of the body’s soft tissues, like muscles, disks, nerves, and the spinal cord. MRI determines the damage to soft tissues.

                  Ruptured Planter Fascia

  • X-Ray:– An X-ray is a kind of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate most solid objects to create pictures of an object’s interior. Calcaneous spur is the most common causes of Planter fasciitis ,which are easily shown in X-ray finding

                     Calcaneous Spur

  • Ultrasound:- An ultrasound can assist in difficult diagnosis. These tests can also assist in determining which treatment will be much beneficial depending on degree of injury.

                    USG Planter Fasciitis


The following home treatment can be done by patient at home to prevent the plantar fasciitis become worst:-

  • The patient should protect the injury by having rest and should avoid lifting heavy weight.
  • Using ice packs can to reduce pain and swelling can be very effective. The patient should apply it regularly.
  • One should use pillow under your leg while sleeping and sitting. It will provide rest to the calf.
  • The patient can also apply pain relief spray suggested by the physiotherapist.


  • Under the guidance of physiotherapist, if the pain exceeds and becomes unbearable patient can also have anti-inflammatory painkillers such as naproxen, ibuprofen.