Diagnosis of Gall Bladder Stones

Once the symptoms are noticed or any other doubtful signs are observed by the doctor, the following diagnostic measures are taken to confirm the presence of gallbladder stones and to know in depth about the kind and size of the stone:

  • Blood tests
  • CT scan
  • Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
  • HIDA scan
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound
  • ERCP

Any or more than one of the given diagnostic methods could be suggested by your doctor has given your individual condition.


Most of the gallbladder stones need surgery for the stone to be removed. For gallstones, the gallbladder needs to be removed with surgery to avoid further complications. 

There are two types of operations done namely:

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: The surgeon passes instruments, a light, and a camera through several cuts in the stomach. A video monitor is used to view the insides of the body. It is a more common procedure than the other one.

Open Cholecystectomy: Bigger cuts in the belly are made in the belly to remove the bladder. The patient might need to spend a few days in the hospital for recovery.