Introduction : 

Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of blood clot in the deep veins. Mostly it occurs in lower limbs but other deep or superficial veins may also get affected. It becomes a serious condition when thrombus becomes break and obstruct the small vessels of vital organs like brain, heart and lungs. This article contains how to manage DVT through Ayurveda.

Picture showing deep and superficial vein thrombosis

Formation of blood clot in deep vein due to any reason is commonly known as deep vein thrombosis. It can manifest as superficial leg or arm pain causing superficial thrombophlebitis. Thrombophlebitis is a disorder in which formation of blood clots and inflammation of the vein occurs. It's squeezing action of affected muscles to dissolve the thrombus in deep vein. Thrombophlebitis is painful but less or not harmful than thrombus in deep vein.


Some of the important symptoms are as follows:

Picture showing pulmonary embolism, oedema, swelling and reddish brown skin
  • Pulmonary embolism Mostly it symptomless but chest pain may be caused by pulmonary embolism.
  • Oedema : Deep vein thrombosis blocks the blood flow in large vein which may causes oedema in legs.
  • Swelling and pain : The affected muscles get swell and painful. 
  • Skin color : Skin becomes reddish brown. 


  • Color doppler ultrasonography. 
  • CT scan by radioactive marker.


Acute deep vein thrombosis is better to refer allopathic doctors. Chronic DVT can be manage through Ayurveda. Prevention measures is very important before or along with medications.

Preventive measures: 

  • Patient should flex and extend as well as rotate the ankle or wrist about 10 times every 30 minutes.

  • Wearing elastic stockings help to blood flow. 
    Image showing wearing elastic stocks
  • Foot must be raised 5 inches to prevent the thrombus from enlarging during sleep. 
    Image showing leg raising
  • Compression bandages are also useful to enhances blood flow. 
    Image showing  compression bandage
  • Drugs should be continued for 6 months.