Planning Your Pregnancy - Well begun is half done!!

The MagicalWorld of Pregnancy…

Have you decided to take the plunge into the Magical World of Pregnancy? But wait just a second or even a month or maybe more to give yourself the best chance for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. There are some important things you need to do before you head down the road to conception. Preconception care - the phrase might sound complicated but it is not really any rocket science! It is to prepare your body for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Health Check Up - Be Aware!

Visit the doctor with your partner.The doctor will discuss your pre-pregnancy diet, exercise, immunizations, basic blood checks like thyroid and blood group and any unhealthy habits which need change (such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug abuse). You may be advised to see a specialist if you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure. These must be controlled before you get pregnant.   

Do the homework on your family histories, both partners please - An Honest Advice!

This is one of the important things to do before you actually decide to “PLAN”. Do a detailed study about yours and your spouse’s medical history just to find out about any genetic disorders (like Sickle Cell Disease or Thalassemia) or health problems. This will help you take measures to minimize the risk of passing them over to the baby.  

Infection: Stay Safe – It’s inyour Hands!

Wash your hands often when Cooking and Eating.  Do not consume foods such as raw or under-cooked poultry and fish, unpasteurized cheese, and other dairy and cold deli meats. They can carry harmful bacteria that could cause Listeriosis, which increases the risk of stillbirth and miscarriage. 

Planning - It's Highly Important- Have you done it yet?                                         

Ask yourself before you plan your pregnancy, you should understand whether or not you are ready for pregnancy and to bring up a child. Ask yourself these key questions:

• Are you both equally committed to bring a child?

• Are you all prepared for the special requirements of your child?

• Are you ready to handle your little one’s responsibilities, family and work?

• If there are religious differences in the family, are you sure about how you can bring up your child without affecting him/ her?  


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