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AV Fistula Surgery
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36 Av Fistula Surgery Doctors in Delhi

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Dr. Manish Agarwal

Laparoscopic Surgeon
27 years experience overall

Dr. S.K. Poddar

General Surgeon
39 years experience overall

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Shrivastava

General Surgeon
35 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kumud Mohan Rai

General Surgeon
31 years experience overall

Dr. Vandana Soni

Laparoscopic Surgeon
34 years experience overall

Dr. Jaisom Chopra

General Surgeon
47 years experience overall
1050 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Vishal Dutt Gour

22 years experience overall

Dr. Bachan Singh Barthwal

Laparoscopic Surgeon
43 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mohit Jain

Laparoscopic Surgeon
24 years experience overall
FAQs on AV Fistula Surgery Surgery

Dr. Vikas Panwar

Laparoscopic Surgeon
29 years experience overall

Av Fistula Surgery

Av Fistula Surgeries Doctors In Delhi

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AV Fistula Surgery in Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AV Fistula Surgery?

An AV Fistula Surgery is a type of vascular surgery performed to join an artery and a vein to create a large blood vessel. An AV Fistula has thick and strong blood vessel walls to handle repeated needle piercings for Hemodialysis and is often diagnosed for individuals with End-Stage Kidney disease, Kidney Failure, etc.

What are the advantages of AV Fistula Surgery?

Few of the advantages of AV Fistula Surgery are:

  1. Provides a large blood vessel for hemodialysis
  2. Long-lasting than other types of vascular access
  3. Fewer chances for developing infections or blood clots

What are the indications of AV Fistula Surgery?

AV Fistula Surgery is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. End-stage kidney disease
  2. Hemodialysis

Who are the best surgeons to perform AV Fistula Surgery?

A certified and trained Vascular Surgeon and a General Surgeon who is well experienced in performing AV Fistula Surgery can perform this surgery.

What is the cost of AV Fistula Surgery?

Minimum cost for AV Fistula Surgery in Delhi starts from Rs. 27,500

Average expenses for AV Fistula Surgery in Delhi is approximately Rs.37,800

Maximum amount to be paid for AV Fistula Surgery in Delhi rises up to Rs.55,650

Cost of AV Fistula Surgery depends on factors such as:

  1. Admission charges
  2. Consultation fee 
  3. Patient age
  4. Type of hospital and admission room
  5. Post-Surgery followups

Is AV Fistula Surgery a major surgery or minor surgery?

AV Fistula Surgery is a minor surgery and it involves in connecting artery and a vein of an individual to create a large blood vessel for easier access to perform hemodialysis

What are the risks and complications associated with AV Fistula Surgery?

Few of the risks and complications related to AV Fistula Surgery are:

  1. AV stenosis (Narrowing of the fistula) 
  2. Stealing syndrome( Inadequate blood supply to the arm)
  3. Fistula rupture and bleeding
  4. Infections

How long does it take to complete AV Fistula Surgery?

AV Fistula Surgery may take around 30-90 minutes to complete.

What is the recovery time for AV Fistula Surgery?

Individuals who undergo AV Fistula Surgery may take 1-2 months to recover completely.

What is the success rate of AV Fistula Surgery?

The success rate of AV Fistula Surgery depends on the following factors:

  1. Patient age and medical condition
  2. Experience of the surgeon

However, the success rate of AV Fistula Surgery maybe 90%

Is AV Fistula Surgery Permanent?

AV Fistula Surgery is a permanent surgery performed to join an artery and a vein of an individual to create a strong blood vessel to handle repeated needle piercings for individuals with end-stage kidney disease.

What are the long-term results of AV Fistula Surgery?

Few of the long term results of AV Fistula Surgery are:

  1. Long term survivability of patients with kidney failure
  2. Better and stable vascular access for hemodialysis

Can AV Fistula Surgery be detected in the future?

AV Fistula Surgery can be detected in the future by visual examination of the surgical site and by arterial or venous doppler tests.

What are the options if AV Fistula Surgery fails?

In case of a failed AV Fistula Surgery, the doctor may perform revision surgery.

What are the alternatives to AV Fistula Surgery?

Few of alternatives of AV Fistula Surgery are:

  1. AV graft
  2. Venous catheter
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