Stitch piercing in Ear
Hi, I have piercing in ears. one of the piercing size has increased due to wearing earings, it is on the verge of cutting my ear. I need to get it Stitched please suggest how much time does it take to heal this stitching. Do i have to get a new piercing if the ears are getting stitched. Please give a brief on this process.
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Hi, this is Dr Hitin Mathur, Orthopaedic surgeon from Fortis C Doc Hospital, New Delhi. Welcome to Practo. As far as stitching of your ear holes are concerned, the average healing time is about 2 weeks. You will need to get the ears repierced after the healing process is completed. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and stitches are removed in 10 to 14 days time.
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