Son suffering from ITP..Low platelets
Hi, My son has been suffering from ITP...Low platelet count since last 4 years. Current age 13. Was given mabtas in 2015 which improved the platelet count.but the problem has resurfaced 1 month ago
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Ur son has Idiopathic Throbocytopenic Purpura.i.e.ITP. Kindly send me his  detail histroy investiations and treatment reports and recently he is on any medications and treatment ? Simple herbal and home remedies to improve platelet count and platelet functions- A. Fast Platelet enhancers- 1.papaya leaf juice 1tsf twice or fruits 2 pieces  a day after food. fruit 1 per day. 3.wheat grass 4 .pumpkin etc. B. Natural Vit k helps platelets in their functions 1.veg-spinach broccoli 2.non veg-eggs liver. C.Natural folate (vit B9)helps in platelet cell division. 1.oranges. 2.Asparagus. D.Immunomodulator 1.Amla. 2.Manjistha. 3.Giloy satva. 4.Aloe Vera. Diet - Green leafy vegetables Glass of milk per day. Fruits dryfruits as he likes. Sprouts cereals . When u send ur sons detailed  history investigations and treatment details . I will able to give him ayurvedic line of treatment for his problem. U can consult me as per necessity. I wish u and  ur son is  happy healthy and prosperous life ahead.. ...
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