Hi. .I made multiple sexual encounters during my visit to thailand 45 days back. Condoms were used although oral sex was performed . After that I developed the following symptoms in a week ...
1. Sore Throat
2. Mild fever
3. Fatigue
4. Loss of appetite
5. Mild upper abodomen pain and stiffness
I was administered following drugs .
1 .Cap doxy 1 ldr Forte
2 .tab montair
3.tab rantach
4. Tab neurobion
5. Sprolac
6. Tab zincovit for 1 week
But the symptoms persisted so I got myself tested for the following
HIV 1 n 2 p24
3. HSV 1 n 2
4. Chlamydia .
All results were negative after 45 days of contact but the symptoms persisted . Hence the doctor tested me for the following
1. Blood test general , Platlet
3. Dengue
Liver function test
4. Ultrasound of full abdomen
But the symptoms still persist .. Can somebody help ?