Repeated toilet 20min
Facing problem of repeated toilet after 20 min after drinking 1 glass water he goes three times toilet . is this is a problem because he also faces lack sleep in night .so please give solution for this problem
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Hello there. A lot of reasons can cause the said problems. Drinking excess water, cold environment etc are a few normal reasons for such a problem. But high blood sugar levels urinary tract infections etc are also a few reasons which needs to be evaluated. I want to know whether anyone in your family has a history of diabetes? I would suggest you contact a physician in person for further help. Regards
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Hello, Infection, disease, injury or irritation of the bladder,Conditions that increase urine production like drinking too much of water in winter ,Changes in muscles, nerves or other tissues affecting bladder function,Drugs or beverages that increase urine production are the common causes for frequenct micturition. Lack of sleep unlikely to cause this problem. His urine sample has to be examined.
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