Piles problem
Which category specialist doctor for piles problem in allopathic ? like phigician or any other specialist.
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Please take bananas. Also take cow's milk in night , and during day you can take butter milk, take walk in between work to avoid continuous sitting , the driving on bicycle may increase piles due to mechanical pressure. If you eat non-vegetarian foods take vegetables and fruits and avoid non-vegetarian foods. Avoid foods which are too oily , spicy and pungent because such foods cause misery and disease and can increase piles. Special instructions : Sharing with you ( as photo file inside this message for you to download ) the “four regulative principles” for total health, so hopefully you would never again have to face health trouble in future Do download and check the photo. Please strictly follow the instructions with details , which are illustrated in the photo. If you strictly follow the four regulative principles as illustrated in this attached photo , then you would feel much better not only physically but also in mind. If you do not follow the principles then safety is less , because most diseases result from faulty lifestyle Meditation plays an important role to prevent difficulties and to maintain physical and overall wellbeing. To understand the process of meditation watch the YouTube videos :   Please also enroll free today at for the process of total health If you could not find the photo in this message box , then the link for the good health photo is at the webpage The photo is also attached as photo file in this message box, Please let me know if you could download the photo
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