Kojic Acid
I have a lot of acne scars and have undergone a lot a lot of chemical peels but the results are not up to my expectations. Please suggest me a face serum that has Glycolic acid and Kojic Acid and is available in India.
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Hi . greetings. The response to chemical Peel can be optimized by visiting a qualified dermatologist who will combine the right kinds of peels for your skin type and condition. There's no magic treatment for acne and expectations can vary. Also trigger for acne on your case may need to be identified and treated. See a dermatologist near you. Creams and tablets may be prescribed for your condition. Further queries may be sent on private follow up chat. Dr Govind Suresh Mittal, Bangalore.
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Skin obsession glycolic acid peel Glycolic acid peel products Azelaic acid for acne
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