Heart condition
I'm taking the prescribed medicines since past 4 years after my angioplasty.. my doctor was is pune and last visited him in Dec 2013.. I'm staying in kolkata now and had consulted one doc.he said to continue with same medicines and I feel they should change.can you suggest what to do,as I do not trust going to any doc.
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The history which you have provided is not sufficient to answer your question... Please do mention tablets or content of tablets we will surely try to help you... Please do trust your doctors as they mostly wish good for the patients.
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Hello, usually aspirin which has to be taken for life time . Anti platelet medicines are given . Statins (lipid lowering medicines) is also recommend for some. You must consult same cardiologist who performed your surgery because he knows your complete history and other doctors don't want to take risk of changing tablets .Whether you have drug eluding stent or not ,this should also be considered . So better consult same old doc.
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