I had protected foreplay with partner on 25th June,2016. But because of accidental contact between his penis and my vaginal opening, I took an emergency contraceptive <1 hr of incident.
I have experienced normal periods on
6th June (i.e. prior to incident) and then on 9th July, 9th Aug, 22nd Sept and 9th Oct. My bleeding was normal heavy and lasted 3-4 days on each occasion
In the meantime, we engaged in foreplay only on 1st Oct, and this time I did not even take off my panty and was also using a panty liner. So I thought the chance of conceiving was very remote.
But sometime around October I got paranoid on reading articles about how woman can have periods and still be
pregnant. So I took a home
pregnancy test on 4th November which came negative
I had another period on 9th Nov. But it lasted only 2 days (normal bleeding)
Could I be pregnant from any of the two incidents?
We are in a long distance relation and hence I am sure that no other incidents/ accidents happened.