Burning urination problem
I have noticed that I started peeing quite frequently, now my penis head gives me a strange jolt pain suddenly. It feels as though it is pressed and pains. I pee uncomfortably, incompletely. Sometimes, I may leak a bit. I have used very tight underwear previously. I have been sexually active for long. Sometimes, I used to masturbate on my bed by rubbing my private part, fallen to sleep many times. I may have blocked my sperms? is it causing my penis head to pain? I feel a vertical groove on the penis head, can't hold urine for long, incomplete peeing too. It is painful sometimes. After masturbating many times, I have felt a strong pain. I drink lots of water right after, the pain reduces after peeing once or twice. My urine smells garlicky, and the pain increases if my penis tip touches any cloth or my fingers. This sensation of something wrong has persisted for weeks, I have however ignored it being scared to show or talk. I have not been very hygienic. I need help.
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Hi, it looks like urinary tract infection. In uti burning sensation while urination, fever, lower abdominal pain, color Change in urine are the common symptoms. Go for cbc, urine routine, urine culture and sensitivity and FBS, PPBS(sugar tests). Drink more water, maintain hygiene. Any physical injury causes pain in penis. Consult general physician for furthur evaluation.
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