Arachnoid CYST
"Well defined extraaxial midline posterior fossa cyst measuring - 3.8 (CC) x 2.4 (AP) x 2.3 (W) cm displacing the falx cerebri towards right". This is my CT scan result. Is this curable? What are the symptoms it causes ? Is this a big health issue? Will it lead to any serious problems??? I m requesting for a clear yet Honest answer even if it is a big problem. Thank you, ARUN.
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Dear Arun, Can you please tell why the CT Scan was taken Had the CT scan been taken for some other reason (eg cricket ball hitting the head) our approach would be different Or Had it been taken for complaints like headache, vomiting, our approach will be different - Arachnoid chat cannot be cured with medications If it is causing problems, we need to do surgery
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Hello Arun, Sorry to hear this. Arachnoid cyst is a benign, non cancerous fluid filled space in the back of your head.If left alone they can increase in size and can potentially cause pressure on the surrounding normal brain. This is a easily treatable condition, since the cyst is superficial in location and amenable to surgery.Thus is completely curable. Unfortunately it cannot be treated with medications.Surgery is the only definitive cure. You can upload the CT images and we can discuss this further. Best wishes.
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Arachnoid cyst in brain symptoms
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