Unable to get sleep properly

2018-06-27 10:41:16
Hi Sir, I am unable to sleep properly since from 2 months. Could you please suggest something to get sleep properly

Answers (5)


Answered2018-06-28 13:04:43

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Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person finds it difficult to fall asleep or to stay asleep. Insomnia also includes poor sleep quality, restless sleep, waking up several times during sleep, and feeling un-refreshed or tired after waking up.  Homeopathy provides a very safe, effective and non-habit forming treatment of both types of insomnia — acute and chronic. Since the Homeopathic medicines are sourced from natural substances, there are no side-effects. While Insomnia lasting less than a month is considered acute, if the condition continues for more than a month, it is referred to as chronic Insomnia. There are various causes of Insomnia. The prominent ones are stress, grief, depression, emotional disturbance, intake of stimulants like coffee and alcohol, and a huge number of medical reasons (like heart diseases, breathing disorders, thyroid problems, and rheumatoid arthritis). Insomnia is also one of the major concerns in elderly people. You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects Medicines will reach you via courier services

Answered2018-06-27 12:49:58

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Sleeplessness occurs due to various reasons..so its better to consult a physician regarding this to evaluate the right cause for your problem. Homoeopathy is safe and helps you to recover faster.
Next Steps
Consult any nearby homoeopathic physician once.
Health Tips
- avoid excess intake of coffee or tea - avoid alcohol or smoking of you had a habit of it - stress and irregular diet patterns also cause sleeplessness. Try correcting it by having regular meals in proper quantities. practice yoga or meditation. - try sleeping without pillow. practice exercises that helps you to decrease intensity of spondylitis problem. - degenerative changes are too early for your age. have proper exposure to sunlight. eat foods rich in calcium.

Answered2018-06-27 14:46:08

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Try to find the reason on why you're unable to sleep, is it due to pain or any discomfort. These steps may help you with your condition - When you sleep irregular hours, your internal clock, known as circadian rhythm, gets altered and our body doesn't know when it's supposed to sleep. You should set an ideal time at night to sleep in a manner where you get 8 hours of sleep, so avoid trying to sleep in the time in between. - Have an active life where you exercise regularly. - Have a light meal at night before sleeping - Avoid non sleep activities while on bed such as mobile phones, laptop, TV - Avoid smoking and drinking if you have the habit - Avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks as the caffeine and sugar will stimulate the brain and keep you awake. - Don't skip meals and have a balanced diet, avoid spicy, oily, deep fried and junk food. - Drink a minimum of 3 liters of water per day. - Destress yourself with means such as yoga/meditation If the condition is persistent or worsening visit the ER.

Answered2018-06-27 10:53:27

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Sir homoeopathic treatment can permanently cure this problem of yours rapidly effectively and efficiently without any side effects
Next Steps
you need to consult me online through this platform and medicines will be sent to you by courier

Answered2018-06-27 10:43:19

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