Overcoming mental health issues

2018-08-09 06:41:42
Is there any way to overcome mental health issues without medication? Could you recommend a psychologist or counsellor in the south Delhi area, or give any other inputs ? Thanks

Answers (4)

Yes It depends on. Severity of the situation Consult with me or any psychologist for therapy and counseling Connect with me through text All the best

Answered2018-08-09 07:50:52

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Hello Practo User Treatment of Mental health issues depends upon the severity and the person’s strength and will power to overcome the issues .Some issues can be treated only through psychotherapy however some might need medicines along with it. This is being decided by a mental health professional after careful examination of symptoms and diagnosis of the problem .For Further guidance you can reach out to me through practo app .
Next Steps
Consult a clinical psychologist
Health Tips
Exercise regularly as it helps in maintaining over wellbeing, Eat healthy diet

Answered2018-08-10 12:01:37

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Hello Friend, Good that you are seeking a help here. Mental health problems can be cured without medicine based on the level of effect or severity or symptoms . There are non medicine treatment plan like changes in your lifestyle routine, dietary changes, excersise, self therapies along with counseling support can help to overcome such emotional disturbance. You can choose online consultation as it will be convenient and easy to approach if you find difficulty in identifying psychologists nearby. Feel free to reach out to me online or through Practo app for further detailed evaluation and recommendation. Be positive. You will be alright soon.

Answered2018-08-09 14:33:57

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Yes, therapy is a good option. If you can not find a psychologist in your city, you can contact me for a therapy through online consultation.

Answered2018-08-09 08:25:14

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