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Peripheral Angioplasty
Cost in Bangalore
Lowest cost (approx)
2.7 Lacs
Highest cost (approx)
3.8 Lacs

7 Peripheral Angioplasty Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Azeez Pasha

General Surgeon
24 years experience overall

Dr. Venkatesh Reddy K

General Surgeon
20 years experience overall

Dr. Narendra Venkataramanappa

Cardiothoracic Surgeon
26 years experience overall

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Dr. Muralikrishna N

Vascular Surgeon
18 years experience overall

Dr. Akshay Kumar Singh

Cardiothoracic Surgeon
19 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Peripheral Angioplasty

Peripheral Angioplasties Doctors In Bangalore

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 (36 Reviews & Ratings)
Peripheral Angioplasty in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Peripheral Angioplasty?

Peripheral Angioplasty is a method in which a balloon catheter is used to open the blood vessel outside the coronary arteries. The method is used to treat atherosclerotic blood vessels of the abdomen, legs, and arteries in kidneys due to peripheral artery disease. Peripheral Angioplasty is used along with a guidewire, peripheral stenting, and atherectomy.

What are the advantages of Peripheral Angioplasty?

  1. Less invasive surgery
  2. Performed to remove the plaque and widen the narrowed blood vessels or arteries
  3. Restore normal blood flow to the extremities

What are the indications of Peripheral Angioplasty?

Peripheral Angioplasty is indicated for the following conditions:

  1. Heart attack and stroke
  2. Stable or persistent angina
  3. Cardiac ischemia
  4. Coronary heart disease

Who are the best surgeons to perform Peripheral Angioplasty?

A certified and trained Vascular Surgeon who is well experienced in performing Peripheral Angioplasty can perform this surgery.

What is the cost of Peripheral Angioplasty?

Minimum cost for Peripheral Angioplasty in Bangalore starts from Rs. 97000

Average expenses for Peripheral Angioplasty in Bangalore is approximately Rs. 270000

Maximum amount to be paid for Peripheral Angioplasty in Bangalore rises up to Rs.380000

Cost of Peripheral Angioplasty depends on the following factors such as:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Admission charges
  3. Consultation fee
  4. Patient age
  5. Type of hospital
  6. Patient consultation fee
  7. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc

Is Peripheral Angioplasty a major surgery or minor surgery?

Peripheral Angioplasty can be either major or minor surgery based on the medical condition and the blood vessels to be treated.

What are the risks and complications associated with Peripheral Angioplasty?

Risks and complications associated with Peripheral Angioplasty are:

  1. Injury, infection, and bleeding 
  2. Kidney damage or injury
  3. Thromboembolism
  4. Heart attack 
  5. Stroke

How long does it take to complete Peripheral Angioplasty?

Peripheral Angioplasty may take around 1-2 hours for completion.

What is the recovery time for Peripheral Angioplasty?

Individuals who undergo Peripheral Angioplasty may take 3-4 days for recovery.

What is the success rate of Peripheral Angioplasty?

The success rate of Peripheral Angioplasty based on the factors: 

  1. Patient age and medical condition
  2. Experience of the doctor

However, the success rate of Peripheral Angioplasty maybe 92%

What are the long-term results of Peripheral Angioplasty?

Few of the long-term results of Peripheral Angioplasty are:

  1. Reduced symptoms of cardiac disease and improved blood supply
  2. Improved overall quality of life of the patient

What are the alternatives for Peripheral Angioplasty?

  1. Coronary bypass grafting
  2. Coronary atherectomy
  3. Medical therapy
  4. Open heart surgery
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